Preventing Post Operative Complications CD Casseopia Fisher 5 Disc Set

Preventing Post Operative Complications [CD] 5 Disc Set, CE Hours By Profession ( Nurse 6.3 / Other Professions 6.25 )

Title: Preventing Post Operative Complications

Format: CD

Brand: PESI Publising & Media

Genre: Educational, Continuing Education

UPC: None

Special Notes: 5 Disc Set, CE Hours By Profesion ( Nurse 6.3 / Other Professions 6.25 ) - for credit you must pay and take test online

Condition: Used

Original Release Date: 2006 ( Recorded April 18, 2016 )

Changes in the post-surgical environment mean that patients have shorter post-operative hospital stays and spend more recovery time at home. Nurses providing care in the post-operative setting are left with the highest risk patients and tight schedules for getting them out the door. You are now challenged to ensure safety, minimize complications, and support an optimal recovery along the way. If you are providing care to patients recovering from a surgical intervention, you are guaranteed to sharpen your skills through updated knowledge gained by this 5 disc set.


  • Supporting survival of surgical insult
  • Our changing understanding to manage acute post-op pain
  • The best pre-operative strategies for post-operative recovery
  • When things go wrong: Critical assessment and intervention skills
  • Implications of pharmacological & anesthetic agents after surgery
  • Regulatory issues… what’s next after SCIP?
  • The ever-shortening length of stay: Managing the risks
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