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Aura Cacia 100% Pure Bergamot Essential Oil | Certified Organic, GC/MS Tested...

Item Description
Product Features:
  • Bergamot essential oil is used in calming, balancing blends. It's associated with peaceful disposition.
  • This pleasant and balancing oil is popular in diffusions for daytime use. In the home, diffusions can be useful for calm focus during study or down time.
  • Bergamot has an aroma that's lively and sweet, making it an excellent deodorizer and room freshener.
  • Bergamot essential oil can also be useful in wintertime diffusions – the citrus aroma is a reminder of sunny days.
  • Bergamot blends with coriander, cypress, geranium, lavender, jasmine, chamomile and neroli.
  • Bergamot essential oil is regarded as a top note.
Additional features:
  • 100% Pure Essential Oil
  • GC/MS Tested for Purity
  • No Synthetic Colors or Fragrances
  • Not Tested on Animals
  • Organic
  • 0.25 ounces (7.4ml)
Quick Tip: Diffuse 18 drops to create an uplifting atmosphere.

Recipe: Bergamot Deodorant
12 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
3oz Coconut Oil
2Tbsp cornstarch
2Tbsp bentonite clay
1/4 cup baking soda
4oz amber glass jar

In a small bowl, mix ingredients and stir until a well-blended, smooth cream forms. Transfer cream into jar. Dip tips of fingers into cream and apply to underarms.

To increase the thickness/ firmness, refrigerate after mixing. To maximize the effect, make sure your skin is clean and dry before applying.

There are many ways to use essential oils! The above suggested uses are an intro to a variety of quick tips and recipes available. Because essential oils are highly concentrated, we recommend diluting them in a carrier product like skin care oil, unscented lotion or soap. Follow this guide for safe, effective use.

Drops/ 1oz (2Tbsp) carrier
Body - 4
Home Care - 18
Diffusion - Follow device instructions


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If the return is due to our error (for example, you received an incorrect item) we will also pay for the return shipping costs. Please contact us to request a return so that we can help with the process and provide return authorizations. We ask that customers needing to make a return do not refuse parcels. It is best to accept delivery and ask for return instructions. This will greatly speed up the returns process, your eventual refund, and prevent your return from being lost by the carrier.

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