Hypnosis: Weight Loss End Emotional Eating (~45 minutes)
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I encourage you to listen to the hypnosis session every day for the first 7 days. Ensure you are free from distractions while listening to the audio. do not operate a vehicle or heavy machinery while listening to the audio.
If you could stop emotional eating today, what difference would it make to your life?
Would anyone else notice, or would it just be you?
You may wonder how you got into this situation. You know perfectly well, in your head, that the best thing to do when you're hungry is to eat.
You and every single other creature on this earth knows this. It's how we survive. You know, and not just in your head, that consuming food when you're not actually hungry is a recipe for discomfort, guilt, damaged self-esteem and, of course, weight gain.
Stop emotional eating? How did it get started?
How is it that human beings, alone among all the thousands of species of creatures that exist, sometimes try to meet needs that are nothing to do with bodily hunger with food?
To feel frustrated and, instead of dealing with what is upsetting them, head for the kitchen for some pizza. To feel lonely and, instead of looking for more social connections, munch on a bar of chocolate. What's that all about?
Well, partly it's because we're so clever. (Ironic, don't you think?)
We're also the only creatures (as far as we know), who use symbols. We can make one thing stand for another. This is a brilliant ability, and it has allowed us to develop highly sophisticated cultures and do things that, on the face of it, ought to be quite impossible for us. But we can, and do, use symbols in negative as well as positive ways.
This is what happens when we feel an emotional pang, which is in some ways like a hunger pang, so that we get reminded somehow of the comfort that comes from eating when we're hungry. Then, without really thinking too hard about it, we make that 'eating comfort' stand in for whatever it is that would really satisfy that emotional need. And we eat.
Tackling the wrong problem
You'll know about those awful guilt feelings that afflict you after you've indulged in such emotional eating, as if you've done something really wrong, and you're somehow a bad person. But that guilt is also an effect of misusing symbols. It stands in for the real problem, which is that some important need of yours is not being met.
This is all very well, you say, and very interesting, but how do I get out of it? I didn't deliberately decide to start eating like this, but it seems I can't stop, even though I want to!
Hypnosis can help you change long-standing habits
Stop Emotional Eating is a powerful audio hypnosis session that can help you lose weight and maintain a healthier life style by breaking the grip of this behavior pattern at the level where it became established - in your unconscious mind.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to your download, you'll notice a number of subtle yet significant changes taking place. You'll find that:
Each time you relax and give yourself this private time, your mind gets clearer and your emotions calmer
You learn a powerful way to change the way negative experiences from the past influence you in the present
It starts to feel quite natural to keep emotional needs and physical needs quite separate in your mind - and in what you do
You begin to find creative ways to deal with your emotional needs in more truly satisfying ways
It feels natural and normal to eat more healthily every day
You begin to feel really good about yourself
Binaural tones are mixed into the recording to allow for an even deeper relaxation.
FREE Hypnosis & Other Tidbits
Please visit Know-Stress-Zone.com for all kinds of free tips and techniques to manage stress in all its forms. When you subscribe to my ezine, The Know Stress Press, you'll receive my stress management workbook and other unannounced free hypnosis downloads!
Hypnosis MP3s and PDFs by Certified Hypnotherapist, Melissa E. Stefanski
The Most Valuable Contributor to Success: YOU!
It is important to recognize the significance of the role you play in accomplishing your goals. Hypnosis is neither procedure nor prescription that is done to you. In fact, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis in that you are an active participant in the process. The hypnotherapist should be viewed as a catalyst or guide. You are an integral part in reinforcing positive messages and fulfilling goals through your actions.
Success in attaining your goals depends on you. Success in hypnosis works similarly to success in looking after your health. For instance, if a doctor prescribes blood pressure medication to a patient, that medication will work best only if the patient takes the pill as prescribed, quits smoking, reduces stress, and eats a low sodium diet. Otherwise, the blood pressure medication is ?swimming against the tide? so to speak with not much of a chance. It is like this when using hypnosis. Success depends on many variables including personal attitude, motivation, cooperation, and follow through with reinforcing practices.
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a technique used to induce a heightened awareness and ability to focus in the subconscious mind. The hypnotic state can occur naturally in our everyday lives. For instance, if you've ever found yourself so engrossed in a book that you stopped noticing what was happening around you, then you've experienced a mild hypnotic state. Your awareness and focus were turned inward, toward your book. Hypnosis induced with the guidance of a professional can help you attain even deeper awareness and focus toward the messages of your choosing. Of course, the goal in hypnosis is to focus on positive messages that are goal-oriented and solution-based.
Who can be hypnotized?
Most people can be hypnotized to varying degrees. A deeper hypnotic state may be achieved with practice. But, great work can be accomplished even in a light hypnotic state. Anyone with a desire and a willingness to concentrate can experience hypnosis.
What age range is appropriate for hypnosis?
Persons 7 years and older.
Will I be asleep?
No. During a hypnosis session, you will be aware of what's happening. Actually, your senses may be even more acute than usual.
Will I lose control?
No. Your awareness is heightened during a hypnosis session so that you stay focused on your goals. So, hypnosis actually helps you gain control. No one has control over anyone's thoughts and behavior besides his or her own.
What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
Each person's experience is unique, but many report feeling very relaxed and comfortable. Most people report being able to hear and recall the entire session.
Could I get stuck in hypnosis?
No. No one is able to remain in a hypnotic state indefinitely. You would naturally either fall asleep or come back into your conscious waking state.
What if I have medical problems?
Hypnosis is often used to help with the healing process and/or pain management.
What is hypnosis?
All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis in that it is your mind doing all the work. The practitioner is a catalyst or guide. Homework after a session will involve the practice of self-hypnosis to reinforce progress toward goals.
What does hypnosis help with?
Stress management
Weight loss & control
Smoking cessation
Anger management
Pain management (e.g. migraine, arthritis, etc.)
Low libido
Sleep problems
Self-esteem building
Public speaking
Breaking unwanted habits (e.g. nail biting)
Establishing successful habits
Memory & learning enhancement
Adjustment to physical conditions (e.g. fibromyalgia, diabetes, etc.)
Phobias & fears (e.g. flying, heights, elevators, needles, closed in spaces, etc.)
Depressive thinking
Increased concentration
Improved healing (e.g. post-operative recovery)
Performance (e.g. test taking, sports, etc. )
Hypnosis is a complementary therapy and is not a replacement for professional medical advice.
The education provided by Know-Stress-Zone.com is non-medical and claims no guarantee of health benefits. Education rendered is intended to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. Consult a healthcare professional for all medical needs.