Metallurgy of Cast Iron
A Complete Exposition of the Processes Involved in its Treatment, Chemically and Physically, from the Blast Furnace through the Foundry to the Testing Machine A Practical Compilation of Original Research By THOMAS D. WEST
Expert Iron Moulder and Foundry Manager: Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American and International Society for Testing Materials, American Association for the Advancement of Science, The Cleveland Engineering Society. Honorary Member of the American Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia Foundrymen's Associations. President of The American Foundrymen's Association, June 1905 to June 1906. Author of "American Foundry Practice" "Molders Text Book" "Instruction Papers on Founding for The International Correspondence Schools,' and originator of the A. F. A. Standardized Drillings taken over by the United States Government in 1905
Cleveland: Cleveland Printing and Publishing Book Company, 1902 (6th edition)
Comprehensive illustrated guide to making cast iron on an industrial basis. Well illustrated with photos and diagrammatic drawings.
Green cloth boards with gilt-stamped titles. 627 pages + ads. 7.5" x 5".