The Secret 1000X CAST Blessing
The Secret Blessing the most extreme "BIND AND BANISH THEM!
This spell will prepare one by drawing in "halting" energies and binding these energies with one's enemies energies over a period of about a week's time. This alignment will them produce such a "binding" ( to halt all intrusive and disruptive actions towards you) and Banishing negative energies and actions that one will feel a "dramatic sense of empowerment, courage, renewal as those who create chaos and harm are stopped in their tracks and their actions are depleted of energies as they become bound."
This next element of the spell assists by promoting the binding energies into action and assisting you in "breaking away form those who have effected one with their actions as the binding takes full effect. It will feel as a weight has been lifted and their negative effect upon one has completely been eliminated,
One will be granted advanced protections and the binding will keep one's enemy or competition from taking any further steps to harm or damage one in any manner!!! All of these "gifts" can improve one's level of success, relations with others, further progress, accelerate and advance one towards higher goals and positions of power and happiness when facing adversity and challenges!
The final element will banish one's enemy by creating a repellent energy that makes them uncomfortable and uneasy. Anyone cursing or hexing you will begin distancing themselves at first and then they will be gone for good!!!