American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! Issue Date: MAY 1992; VOLUME 56; ISSUE 598 IN THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. COVER: Santiago Still Life (detail), by Andrew Morgan, 1991, Oilbar, 19 x 24. Collection the artist. FEATURES: SUCCESS STORIES: GARY LEE PRICE: A SAVVY APPROACH TO MARKETING by Laura Dene Card. JOHN A. PARKS by Jane Cottingham. Parks's small-scale paintings of gardens celebrate the idealized worlds that people create. THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: CAPTURING SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL by Judy Bates. "Something powerful happens when you give in to a natural response to beauty," says this Virginia-based artist. A CONVERSATION WITH KEN PRATSON by Charles Movalli. Self-taught artist Ken Pratson believes that a painter's most important tools are the hand and the mind. USING ACRYLICS IN TRANSPARENT WASHES by Pat Van Gelder. Tennessee artist Carlyle Urello paints glowing, color-stained landscapes and figures in acrylic. BUILDING ON TRADITION by Edward Feit. By becoming an artist's apprentice in Florence, Italy, Frank Strazzulla, Jr., learned that it is possible to be a young painter in the old tradition. MAKING SINGLE-SESSION PORTRAITS by Sam Adoquei. This New York artist describes his technique for making direct portraits of people from everyday life. NUTS & BOLTS: Resources and practical information for artists, including the development of Oilbars and a visit with an artist who makes paintings on fabric. DEPARTMENTS: WELCOME. LETTERS. EXHIBITS. TECHNICAL PAGE by Steven Sheehan. ART MART. BULLETIN BOARD. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. COMING IN JUNE. This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)