Visually Inspected by Owner: Paperback as pictured, no marks in text. Spine cracked at center, no loose pages, 1981, 252 pages. Ships fast with tracking info. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Dr. McGee is best known as a radio broadcaster, having used the medium of radio since 1941. As of 1980, his current 'Thru the Bible Radio' program was having a phenomenal reception and could be heard in every state in the Union and on all six continents. It was translated into many other languages. He was broadcasting a 5-year study of the Bible, teaching book by book and chapter by chapter from Genesis to Revelation. Dr. McGee is known as being in wide demand as a speaker, and since 1950 had been a visiting Bible lecturer at Dallas Theological Seminary and served for several years as head of the English Bible department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. He pastored Presbyterian churches in Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and California, as well as the interdenominational Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles. Dr. McGee is greatly appreciated because of his clarity of expression and simplicity of style. This book is J. Vernon McGee's commentary on the books of Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther, written in his expressive style, with insightfulness...he contrasts with issues of today as well, and includes a bibliography.