Albina has mastered a form of Magick she has actually learned from Amira, the Djinn conjurer! Originally, she had wanted to learn how to conjure the Djinn because this was a type of Magickal practice that as she says " i had not learned, and for this reason I have become fascinated by the methods of this Magick". Therefore, she set out slowly educating herself with materials and tutoring from Amira over the last FIVE years.
As a result, Albina has now discovered how to summon and bind spirits to vessels of jewelry!! She says that one can expect as a result to not only "gain a Magickal charge of energies" from these powerfully imbued pieces, one can also expect to gain a "spiritual bond" with the Spirit that each vessel houses!
This particular ring is connected to a LOVELY BUTTERFLY Spirit. These tiny, yet empowering spirits are such a true joy to behold. Butterflies are true spirits of rebirth, resilience and renewal! however, they will also bless one who bears such a vessel with :
** Youthful Energies ** a Happy Social Life *Assistance in Moving Forward *Empowering Love *Strengthening the Bond between lovers *Empowering one's Inner power and the energies within one's entire environment
Butterfly Spirits also wish to help one accept changes, transformation and surrendering to the processes of time and faith.
They LOVE for one to express feelings, sing out loud and dance without fear. They are symbols of the soul in all of it's Glory and they wish for one to understand one's own elegance, grace and power!
They can often been seen as small bursts of light and flashes of fast moving light. Butterflies also often express their happiness with the scent of flowers and wild gardens!
The bearer will be provided with a full name and bonding ritual!!!!
If you have read this listing, and you now feel "pulled or drawn to this POWERFUL are the meant to take her into your life!! My Thanks and GREATEST Blessings to Albina for all of her time and amazing efforts!!!!!