Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Although men speak of the end of the end of the world in terms of a nuclear holocaust or a worldwide plague, the fact of the matter is, God will have the final word in the affairs of His creation, as clearly foretold in the Book of Revelation. He is sovereign! Consequently, "He doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest thou?" (Dan. 4:35) The love of God sent His dear Son to the Cross that we might enjoy a knowledge of sins forgiven and deliverance from the day of His vengeance. But if the salvation which is in Christ Jesus is rejected, God will someday pour out the fierceness of His wrath upon the unbeliever. Before we can effectively warn men, we ourselves must first be equipped with a better understanding of "things to come." This is why it is essential to proclaim the whole counsel of God, which includes the Book of Revelation. Of course, we must always do so in light of Paul's letters to the Church the Body of Christ, where we are instructed to rightly divide the Word of truth. This will help us to distinguish between the last days of Israel and the last days of Grace.