Brand new factory sealed dvd of this Special Edition is a godsend to fans who contented themselves with Paragon's full-frame vhs release 'Gates of Hell'. That was quite good for it's time, but here, this edition offers a sharper more colorful widescreen image with a sheen absent from all previous editions including the laserdisc. Freshly transfered in brain-ripping High Definition from its original uncensored negative.
Father Thomas, the local parish priest in Dunwich (another Fulci nod to Lovecraft), hangs himself in the local cemetery, unleashing a series of uncanny events on the small desolate town. Heads are torn open by the wormy fingers of the decaying dead, glass explodes and punctures bleeding wounds into walls, and a teenage girl regurgitates her intestines, much to the horror of her boyfriend (director Michelle Soavi in an early acting bit).
Other thrills include an outraged father forcing a simpleton to undergo Fulci's trademark scene -- an electric drill boring through his head from side to side -- a sequence so real that it raised the hackles of the British censors and landed the film in trouble around the world!
Meanwhile, in New York, a psychic, Mary Woodhouse, experiences a vision of the Dunwich horror during a seance and falls into a deathlike trance. She is narrowly saved from being buried alive by an aggressive reporter (Christopher George), and they drive to Dunwich to stop the escalating evil before it reaches full force on All Saint's Day. The film's climax has George killed by a female zombie before a psychoanalyst friend stabs the worm-eaten corpse of an undead priest in the crotch with a crucifix, inflicting acute discomfort on the devil and causing all the zombies to burn up.
For horror fans this is the long awaited answer to your prayers.