SEE BELOW for MORE MAGAZINES' Exclusive, detailed, guaranteed content description!*
Careful packaging, Fast shipping, and EVERYTHING is 100% GUARANTEED. TITLE: THE READERS DIGEST "Articles of Lasting Interest" -- Own a piece of history, fascinating to read -- The Readers Digest captures what life was like at any given time better than any other magazine, because it is the best of all of them! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! * ISSUE DATE: February, 1928; Vol 6, No. 70 CONDITION: Size approx 6" X 9", Digest sized magazine. COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo) IN THIS ISSUE: [Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Is Life worth Prolonging?, by Henry Dwight Chapin, M.D. The Catholic Chuch and the Modern Mind, from The Atlantic. The Chappell Art Sale, by George S. Chappell. Europe Headed for War?, by Frank H. Simonds. Crash!, by Lt. George O. Noville. Sir Hari Singh, Maharajah of Kashmir, by Herford Tynes Cowling. A Visit to Pygmyland, by Mathew Stirling. National Origins and Deportations, by Roy L. Garis. Not in the Etiquitte Book, But --, by Sophie Kerr. On American Leisure, by Irwin Edman. The Eternal Outcry, by Edna Kenton. Like Summer's Cloud, by Charles S. Brooks. Can Pistol Toting be Stopped?, by Joseph Fulling Fishman. The Railroads at Bay, by Charles Angoff. The Gifts of the New Sciences, by H. G. Wells. The Emerging Factory, by H. A. Overstreet. Meet the Mayor, by Foster Ware. Anarchy on the Farm -- 2, by J. E. Boyle. Such Stuff as Wars Are Made Of, by Henry Kittredge Norton. Why I Wrote "Mother India", by Katherine Mayo. Beauty, by Maguerite Wilkinson. Exploring the Mysteries of Plant Life, by Willliam Joseph Showalter. Pictorial Review's $5,000 Achievement Award, by Genevieve Parkhurst. Getting in Step with Beauty, by Robert W. De Forest. The Venerable Inns of Old England, by Diamid McDermott. What do you mean -- Isolation?, by Arthur Sweetser. The Sorrows of H. L. (Henry) Menchen, by Catherine Beach Ely. Music and Life, by Fritz Kreisler. CHECK our other Reader's Digest listings -- we have the LARGEST stock of Reader's Digest back issues available anywhere! Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. Each listed above is of at least one page, most average 3 pages. Some are original articles. ALSO in this issue: the usual great tidbits, jokes and sidebars that Readers Digest was famous for. (PLUS there is more actual CONTENT in these vintage issues than in the current ones!) There is no better Birthday gift or Anniversary present than a copy of this marvelous vintage magazine -- it captures the time perfectly! This description © Edward D. Peyton, MORE MAGAZINES. Any un-authorized use is strictly prohibited. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Careful packaging, Fast shipping, and EVERYTHING is 100% GUARANTEED!