2/22/22 Added $1,000 to price until I can get them back in stock so that won’t delete my listing before I sell next batch

From my personal collection. An eclectic selection of 26 assorted Blu Ray Disks (10) and DVDs (16, including 4 TV series) I like these films and TV series but I have to make some room :(

TV Series:

Legion, Complete Season One (3 Disc DVD)

Party Down, Complete Seasons One & Two (DVD)

Suits, Complete Seasons One, Two & Three (DVD)

The Affair, Complete Seasons One & Two (DVD) 


A Boy and His Dog  (BluRay) - Don Johnson

As Good As It Gets (DVD) Golden Globe Winner, Best Actor, Best Actress

Planet of the Apes (BluRay)

Salem’s Lot (BluRay)

Thelma & Louise (DVD)

There’s Something About Mary (DVD - Special Edition)

Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter (DVD)

Beautful Creatures (BluRay)

Crimson Peak (DVD)

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (BluRay, BluRay 3D, Digital HD)

Grindhouse, Tarintino Double Feature (BluRay) x2

John Carter (BluRay)

The Notebook (DVD)

The Hangover, Unrated (BluRay)

Timeline (DVD Widescreen)

Tropic Thunder, Directors Cut (BluRay)

Bonus: Jamon Jamon (VHS, Rare, OOP)