Batman and Friends movie
This cartoon an many from my childhood, were a cut above most the crud they pump out these days. It's classic Bats, doing what he does best, being charmingly broodingly heroic. The plus to the animated series is that the animators have done a better job of having a good portrayal of both the Bats/Bruce interchanging masks. Live action has yet to truly hit epic Bat gold (although Bale was pretty awesome as Wayne, his Bats needed some more broody oomph.) and with the upcoming of Baffleck, I hold little hope of them ever finding a RL actor that can don the cape as well as RDJ is able to don the Iron suit. But I digress, it's classic Bats, classic theme music and a necessary staple in the old Batcave for anyone who claims to strike fear in the hearts of those who haunt the night.
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