Available up to 5XL.
This is a replica of the style of jackets they used to use in the institutions in the early 1900s. Although it could be used for escape acts it's more designed for use in photography shoots, videos, and music videos, and anywhere that old institutional look is sought after. It's made with heavy duty leather straps that easily get marks and scratches on it which gives it that great old aged look. The more it gets roughed up , the better it looks. The leather straps and buckles are 1 1/2" wide.Comes in the standard 10 oz canvas or you can upgrade to the heavier 14oz. canvas for an even tougher jacket. To try to keep the cost down (The leather is expensive on this jacket) it comes standard without a crotch strap. A crotch strap can be added for an additional cost.
Extras available:
14oz canvas +$25
2 extra straps on the back +$40
Crotch strap +$30
2 crotch straps +$55
Front strap and buckle +$25
Raised collar with leather and buckle+$30
Leather straps around biceps +$40
Let me know if you need anything different. We custom make each jacket.