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What is Enochian Magick?

It's the form of Magick that angels use.   It's one of the oldest and most powerful forms of Magick.  

This magickal will "unlock" the 19 calls that invoke Angels and open the Watch tower gates...

The Calls or "Keys" and the "World" of the 30 Aethers to open the Watch tower gates:

The Nineteen Enochian Calls 

    In the year 1584, on April 13th, the angel Nalvage dictated Kelley the last word of the first call. The calls were transmitted backwards, because of their immense power. Nalvage tried to avoid that the calls would already produce some effects during the dictate. 

The Opening by Watchtowers may also be used and for scrying any of the subangles or for scrying the Æthyrs, the Bornless Ritual from the Clavicula Salomonis Regis or Liber Samekh may be used. Remember always to banish, cleanse, and consecrate before invoking and to banish after.

The First Call

The Opening of the Portal of the Vault of the Adepts.

I reign over you, saith the God of Justice, in power exalted above the firmaments of wrath; in Whose hands the sun is as a sword, and the moon as a penetrating fire; Who measures your garments in the midst of my vestures, and trussed you together as the palms of my hands; Whose seats I garnished with the fire of gathering; Who beautified your garments with admiration; to Whom I made a law to govern the Holy Ones; Who delivered you a rod with the ark of knowledge. Moreover, you lifted up your voices and swore obedience and faith unto Him that lives, and who triumphs; Whose beginning is not, nor end cannot be; Who shines as a flame in the midst of your palace, and reigns amongst you as the balance of righteousness and truth. Move, therefore, and show yourselves; open the mysteries of your creation; be friendly unto me; for I am the servant of the same your God, true worshipper of the Highest.

The Second Call

This call must be preceeded by the First Call. These two calls together invoke the angel EHNB (pronounced Ehenbe) who, being the ruler of the four ruling angels of the Elemental Tablets, EHNB is very powerful.

Can the wings of the winds understand your voices of wonder, o you the second of the First? Whom the burning flames have framed with in the depth of my jaws: Whom I have prepared as cups for a wedding, or as the flowers in their beauty for the chamber of righteousness. Stronger are your feet than the barren stone, and mightier are your voices tha the mainifold winds; for you are become a building such as is not, but in the mind of the All-Powerful. Arise, says the First; move, therefore, unto his servants; show yourselves in power, and mae me a strong seer of things; for I am of Him that lives forever.

The Third Call

The Opening of the Temple in the Grade of 2° = 9

Behold, says your God, I am a circle on whose hands stand twelve kingdoms. Siz are the seats of living breath, the rest are as sharp sickles, of the horns of death, wherein the creatures of the earth are and are not, except by my own hands, whcih also sleep and shall rise. In the first I made you stewards, and placed you in seats twelve of government, giving unto every one of you power successively over 456, the true ages of time, to the intent that, from work my power, pouring down the fires of life and increase on the earht continually. Thus you are become the skirts of justice and truth. In the name o fthe same, your God, lift up, I say, yourselves. Behold His mercies flourish, and His Name is become mighty amongst us; in Whom we say: Move, descend, and apply yourselves unto us, as into thepartakers of the secret wisdom of your Creation.

The Fourth Call

The Opening of the Temple in the Grade of 3° = 8

I have set my feet in the south, and have looked about me, saying: are not the thunders of increase numbered 33, which reign in the second angle? Under whom I have placed 9639, whom none has yte numbered but on, in whom the second begining of things are and was strong; which also successively, are the number of time; and their powers are as the first 456. Arise, you sons of pleasure, and visit the earth for I am the Lord your God, which is an lives. In the name of the Creator, move, and show yourselves as pleasant deliverers, that you may praise him amongst the sons of men.

The Fifth Call

The Opening of the Temple in the Grade of 1° = 10

The mighty sounds have entered in the third angle, and are become as olives on the Mount of Olives, looking with gladness upon the earth, and dwelling in the brightness of the heavens as comforters; unto whom I fastened pillars of gladness nineteen, and gave them vessels to water the earth with her creatures; and they are the brothers of the first and second, and the beginning of their own seats, which are garnished with continual burning lamps 69636, whose numbers are as the first, the ends and the content of time. Therefore come and obey your creation; visit us in peace andcomfort; include us as receivers of your mysteries because our Lord and Master is all One.

The Sixth Call

The Opening of the Temple in the Grade of 4° = 7

The spirits of the fourth angle are nine, mighty in the firmament of waters; whom the first has planted as a torment to the wicked and a garland to the righteous, giving unto them fiery darts to winnow the earth, and 7699 continual workmen; whose courses visit with comfort the earth, and are in government and continuance as the second and third. Wherefore harken unto my voice; I have talked of you, and I move you in power and presence, you whose works shall be a song of honor and the praise of your God in your creation.

The Seventh Call

The east is a house of virgins, singing praises amongst the flames of first glory, wherein the Lord has opened his mouth, and they are become 28 living dwellings, in whorr. the strength of man rejoices; and they are appareled with ornaments of rightness, such as work wonders on all creatures; whose kingdoms and continuance are as the third and fourth, strong towers and places of comfort, the seats of mercy and continuance. 0 you servants of mercy, move, appear, sing praises unto the Creator; and be mighty amongst us; for to this remembrance is given power, and our strength waxes strong in our comforter.

The Eighth Call

The midday, the first, is as the third heaven made of pillars of hyacinth 26, in whom the elders are become strong; which I have prepared for my own righteousness, says the Lord; whose long continuance shall be as bucklers to the stooping dragon, and like unto the harvest of a widow. How many are there which remain in the glory of the earth, which are, and shall not see death until this house fall, and the dragon sink! Come away, for the thunders have spoken; come away, for the crowns of the temple, and the coat of Him that is, was, and shall be crowned, are divided. Come, appear to the terror of the earth, and to our comfort, and of such as are prepared.

The Ninth Call

A mighty guard of fire, with two-edged swords flaming (which have vials eight of wrath for two times and a half, whose wings

are of wormwood, and of the marrow of salt), have settled their feet in the west, and were measured with their ministers 9996. These gather up the moss of the earth as the rich man does his treasure. Cursed are they whose iniquities they are! In their eyes are millstones greater than the earth, and from their mouths rain seas of blood: their heads are covered with diamonds, and upon their hands are marble sleeves. Happy is he on whom they frown not, because the God of Righteousness rejoices in them. Come away (and not your vials) ! For the time is such as requires comfort.

The Tenth Call

The thunders of judgment and wrath are numbered and are harbored in the north in the likeness of an oak, whose branches are nests 22 of lamentation and weeping laid up for the earth, which burn night and day, and vomit out the heads of scorpions, and live sulphur mingled with poison. These are the thunders that 5678 times in the 24th part of a moment roar with a hundred mighty earthquakes, and a thousand times as many surges, which rest not, not know any echoing time. Here one rock brings forth a thousand, even as the heart of man does his thoughts. Woe, Woe Woe Woe Woe Woe, yes, Woe be to the earth, for her iniquity is, was, and shall be great. Come away-but not your noises.

The Eleventh Call

The mighty seat groaned and there were five thunders which flew into the east, and the Eagle spake and cried with aloud: Come away! from the house of death! And they gathered themselves together and became (those) of whom it is measured, and it is as they are whose number is 31. Come away! For I prepare for you. Move, therefore, and show yourselves; open the mysteries of your creation; be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same God as you, the true worshipper of the Highest.

The Twelfth Call

0 you that reign in the south, and are 28, the lanterns of sorrow bind up your girdles, and visit us! Bring down your followers 3663, that the Lord may be magnified, Whose name amongst you is Wrath. Move, I say, and show yourselves; open the mysteries of your creation; be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same God as you, the true worshipper of the Highest.

The Thirteenth Call

0 you swords of the south, which have 42 eyes to stir up the wrath of sin, making men drunken which are empty; behold the promise of God, and the power of Him, which is called amongst you a bitter sting; move and show yourselves; open the mysteries of your creation; be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same God as you, the true worshipper of the Highest.

The Fourteenth Call

0 you sons of fury, the daughters of the Just, which sit upon 24 seats, vexing all creatures of the earth with age; which have under you 1636; behold the voice of God, the promise of Him, which is called amongst you extreme justice; move and show yourselves; open the mysteries of your creation; be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same God as you, the true worshipper of the Highest.

The Fifteenth Call

0 thou the governor of the first flame, under whose wings are 6379, which weave the earth with dryness, who knowest the great name Righteousness and the seal of honor: move and show yourselve