Visually inspected by owner: Paperback as pictured, about 60 pages with marks/underlining, legibility not an issue, binding and cover very good. We ship, M-F by 4pm, and Sat. by 12pm, with tracking info.
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Product description: Think "archaeology", and you might imagine adventurous heroes beating down jungle plants to glimpse the ruins of an extinct civilization. Well, it has happened. Some people have tripped over "stones" that turned out to be ancient statues or monuments, while others have explored caves and uncovered beautiful prehistoric paintings. But archaeology is not really about seeing out treasures. It's about discovering what really happened in the past. Of late, archaeologists have helped to reveal the truth about battlefields, delved to the bottom of the ocean to examine lost cities and shipwrecks, and explored why some cultures were suddenly and dramatically extinguished. Beautifully illustrated and containing special features on major sites, Archaeology: Discovering the World's Secrets tells the tales of this area of research, which is just as intriguing as the peoples it studies- from the intrepid, curious explorers in the 17th and 18th centuries and the relic hunters who filled our museums with amazing objects to the search for Shangri-La by the Nazis, and the meticulous scientists of today. Nowadays, archaeologists employ highly-sophisticated technology- everything from satellite photography to ground-penetrating radar, to 3D imagery- but the findings mean nothing without their ability to interpret what is revealed and understand how one piece of a thrilling archaeological jigsaw links to another.
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