Kambamba Stone is Not a Jasper, it is composed of Quartz and Feldspar

Kambamba Stone is great to use with agricultural applications and projects, it is the "Guardian of the Forest" and can be used to accelerate growth in your garden or just on your path of life ~

This is for ONE Kambaba Stone heart, about 25mm across, with drawstring pouch and information card. The heart shown is a stock photo - your heart will be very similar but will not be the heart shown. They all vary in color and design! Let our intuitive Crystal Empaths select the best heart for you!

Country of Origin: South Africa
Zodiac Sign:  Libra, Pisces
Chakras:  All
Number:  Vibrates to 4, 5, 6, 7

Useful in obtaining information on ancestral spirits, particularly of a place - gridding with it on home or property promotes connection with ancestral spirits of a location and maintains those connections
Helpful during visioning and to access visions
Aids in moving from one plane to another, from interdimensional plane to birth plane, or to birth plane to higher ascension plane
Useful water-healing projects and group healing
Provides protection during astral travel, and raises one's consciousness during that time
Helpful during pregnancy and childbirth
Believed to have assisted in understanding language of Sumeria

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