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 About US;  Campbell Films is a small American family business dedicated to the preservation of rare, historical films. Started in 2007 by a father and son, team. They have worked tirelessly to digitize, compile and create truly rare and unique DVD's to share with the world. The son went to film school and father is a veteran with the historical passion, so together they assembled the content of Campbell Films. Most likely you'll find things you haven't seen before.  We appreciate your business and hope the films bring you as much joy as they do us!

Please note;  Buy 2 or more of any of our DVD's per order from our collection, and we will add a free DVD along with this order of similar topic.

What's on this DVD;  Bell 204 Iroquois and Bell 47 Utility Helicopters


This is a collection of old films on the famous Bell helicopters used in civilian uses, plus the Army version UH-1 Iroquois. The Bell 204 was a revolutionary helicopter because Bell adapted the use of the gas turbine engine. Instantly, the aircraft made leaps and bounds over the heaver piston engine. Plus the turbine engine has much more raw power. At this point, the helicopter came into it's own when it came into amazing uses. These films are very rare and we hope you'll enjoy this collection. 


1st Film; "The Flying Towers". This is a Rare film by Bell Helicopters on the Bell 204 Iroquois and using the helicopter to lift the High tension towers for electric. I'm amazed how powerful these helicopters are and there lifting capacity. Runtime 14:09 Min's 


2nd Film; "Construction Via Helicopters". This too is a Rare Bell Helicopter film. This one demonstrated the different versions of the Bell 47. From moving pipe in the San Bernardino Mountains to working in the Grand Canyon, this show a lot of great uses of helicopter motility. Runtime 12:55 Min's 


3rd Film; "Helicopter Orientation". This is Army film footage shows a lot of helicopter training. Runtime 19.37 Min's 


4th Film; "Transportation Helicopter". Civilian uses of the helicopter such as Airport transportation of passengers to cattle ranching and Sheriff search and rescue. Runtime 11:40 Min's 


5th Film. "Vietnam Newsreels and Stock Footage". This too is another Bell Iconic helicopter used in Vietnam and is still used today. This also is a collection of Stock Footage we took over the years in HD. We hope you enjoy. Run Time 16:43 Min's


Product No. CFDVD0105

Thanks for Looking!!!

If you are a Veteran, or have a family member that has old pictures, slides, or 16mm /8mm film and you can't afford to get them transferred, contact us and I'll do it for free.  As a vet, we support our troops, and our goal is to save old film for future generations.