A greasable, spigot type wheel or flange unit with cast iron casing, non-recessed mounting bolts and a cast iron supporting plate ensures proper air bearing contact. The 3/4"" bore is fitted with spigot bearings and adjustable sleeve bearings sealed by a contact and flinger seal. The low alloy steel shaft supports matched setscrew locks.
The VF2S flange unit is made from cast iron and has a greaseable collar and contact seals. It includes a VH2F handwheel, AB2B aluminum hub, 2B shaft with set screws, 2A large hub clamp, AB3 bolt and a FEL20 flange seal. The VF2S-212 AH unit has a 3/4" shaft bearing tolerance with a shaft size of 1-3/16" to fit 4" bolt diameter machines.
"The VF2S-212 AH Series flange mount is constructed of cast iron and has a 3/4"" diameter bore. This product is designed for use in the following applications: Industrial Process Cold Air, Light Air Conditioning, Duct Air Handling, Refrigeration and High Humidity Applications.