Seven (7) different issues, Image Comics (1993 Series)


#1 (March 1993) Created and written by Brandon Choi and Jim Lee. Art by Scott Clark and Trevor Scott. They are StormWatch, the world's most elite anti-terrorist super powered strike force. There's Battalion, field commander, empowered with psionics and armed with a battlesuit that gives him the firepower of his namesake. Fuji is a mountain of a man from Japan whose super human strength is only matched by his great heart. Diva is a South American beauty with alabaster skin and a scream that can literally shatter steel. Hellstrike is super-fast and can project powerful force bolts. Winter, a hero from Russia, can absorb and manipulate massive amounts of energy. And residing over them all, high above in the orbiting space station Skywatch, is the Weatherman, a cybernetically enhanced commander with eyes all over the world, ever vigilant and uncompromising when it comes to planet Earth's safety. When Battalion's younger brother gets caught in the crossfire in a battle between StormWatch and their malevolent counterparts the Mercs, the young man's life will never be the same again. 32 pages, FC. NOTE: 1st appearance of Battalion, Synergy, Winter, Fuji, Hellstrike, Strafe, Diva and Weatherman One (Henry Bendix). Cover price $1.95.

#2 (May 1993) "Once More into the Breach…!" Created and written by Brandon Choi and Jim Lee. Art by Scott Clark and Trevor Scott. Cover by Jim Lee. After a tragedy saw the demise of his first team (see StormWatch #0), Battalion is ready to call it quits, but after his younger brother's latent superhuman powers are activated, Battalion finds himself pulled back to active duty. Plus, meet Cannon, young brash and a walking time bomb. And he's gunning for Battalion's command. 32 pages, FC. NOTE: 1st appearance of Cannon and Fahrenheit. Cover price $1.95..

#3 (June 1993) Created and written by Brandon Choi and Jim Lee. Art by Scott Clark and Trevor Scott. Cover by Jim Lee. Cannon's team fell before the superior might of the mysterious stranger attacking the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor. Now, StormWatch One steps up to meet the challenge, but are they prepared for what they will find? Meanwhile, Malcolm, Battalion's younger brother, meets his instructor. 32 pages, FC. NOTE: 1st appearance of Backlash. Cover price $1.95.

#8 (March 1994) Guest-starring Ripclaw. Story by Brandon Choi, Jim Lee and H.K. Proger. Art by Scott Clark, Jim Lee and Trevor Scott. The Native American hero from Cyber Force, Ripclaw, must team-up with StormWatch to save the life of a potential. Includes a pin-up of Battalion, Hellstrike and Ripclaw by Scott Clark and Trevor Scott. 32 pages, FC. Cover price $1.95.

#9 (April 1994) Story by H.K. Proger. Art by Ryan Benjamin. For months StormWatch Prime was held captive and tortured. That would take its toll on even the most stalwart of heroes. Has Sunburst lost his mind or is there something else at play here? Meanwhile, the arch fiend Defile plots the team's destruction. 32 pages, FC. NOTE: The events of this tale continue in StormWatch #25. Yes, that's correct. A mysterious stranger arrives in the present to take Battalion into the near future to help against an adversary no one else can stop. StormWatch #25 is part of Image Comics Image of Tomorrow event. Here the Image titles jumped several issues into the future to show the readers a glimpse of where the titles are heading. After StormWatch #9, the series jumped ahead to #25 then the following month picked up with #10. Cover price $2.50.

#25 (June 1995) 1st printing - Part 3 of 5 – Images of Tomorrow - Story by Steve Seagle. Art by Scott Clark and Trevor Scott. * NOTE: The events of this issue pick up immediately following the events of StormWatch #9 and 24. * A mysterious time-traveler has brought Battalion one year into the future, just in time to witness Skywatch fall from the sky. Amongst the wreckage, Battalion discovers his team in shambles and a damaged Spartan, a member of WildC.A.T.s. , leading the team. As the truth of what is happening unfolds before him, Battalion suddenly comes face-to-face with his father, the vile Despot and leader of the Doomsday Weapons known as Warguard. Diva is dead and Jackson's little brother, Malcolm has betrayed the team. Despot has plans for world domination. Plus, who is the mysterious figure that appears on the final page, a friend or foe? 32 pages, FC. NOTE: Even though the cover date says June 1995, this issue actually was published May 1994. StormWatch #25 is part of Image Comics Images of Tomorrow event. Here the Image titles jumped several issues into the future to show the readers a glimpse of where the titles are heading. After StormWatch #9, the series jumped ahead to #25 then the following month picked up with #10. Now the continuation of that time-traveling tale can finally be revealed. NOTE: This is the 1st printing dated June 1995. 2nd printing is dated August 1995. Cover price $2.50.

SPECIAL #1 (January 1994) Featuring two tale of high adventure! Never Give Up! Written by Ron Marz. Art by Dwayne Turner. A mysterious portal on Earths moon leads the team to a fantasy world where magic and super powered mutants war. Here, Battalion will learn that some victories come with a price. NOTE: 1st appearance of Argos. The Music Lesson! Written by Ron Marz. Art by Richard Johnson, Kevin Nowlan and Richard Johnson. Young lovers Diva and Cannon head to the opera, but when Diva relives the origin of her supersonic ability, the alabaster beauty is overcome with guilt. Includes a double-page pin-up by Dwayne Turner. 48 pages, FC. Cover price $3.50.

The comics are complete and in overall NEAR MINT condition.  

Mint (MT)
(Overstreet) Nearly perfect in every way.
Near Mint (NM)
(Overstreet) Nearly perfect with only minor imperfections such as subtle bindery/printing defects.
Very Fine (VF)(Overstreet) Excellent copy with outstanding eye appeal; limited accumulation of bindery/printing defects, surface wear, and minor spine creasing.
Fine (FN)(Overstreet) Above average copy that shows minor wear but is still relatively flat and clean with no significant creasing or other serious defects.
Very Good (VG)(Overstreet) The average used comic book with moderate to significant wear.
Good (GD)(Overstreet) Shows significant wear.
Fair (FR)(Overstreet) Shows heavy wear.
Poor (PR)(Overstreet) Little or no collector value.