Type-written Manuscript:
The Who's Who of Strong Girls, Girl Wrestlers, Etc.
Compiled by Ron Rennie
Skill Publications; Blackpool; 1962
Odd type-written manuscript containing a brief history of 'Amazons' and other 'strong women' followed by short biographical entries of famous strong women both historical and modern, the latter category primarily consisting of female wrestlers and circus performers up until the 1960s. Contains 194 entries ranging from a few words to 1/4 page paragraphs. At the end is a page on the Zschiegner's Berlin Ladies Wrestling Club, which was disbanded by the Nazis in 1936 but reformed after the conclusion of WWII. A sales receipt from Skill Publications is laid in. 8" x 10". 18 pages.
Also included is 'Sport Picture', an amateurishly xeroxed pamphlet with some text and a collection of United Press Photos of women wrestlers from the early 1960s. 11 pages.
Extremely rare - could not find any others listed online!