In a world where giant robots known as Marionation Gear, or “Puppets”, are artisanally handcrafted in workshops, a certain boy serves as an apprentice at the Galouye Workshop, dreaming of becoming a “Puppeteer” (mecha pilot) and opening his own workshop with fellow apprentice Kay. But their peaceful daily life is shattered when the autonomous Puppets known as the Automen begin going on berserk rampages around the world. Together with new apprentice Anne-Marie, the hero and Kay are pulled into a conflict that could change the course of Puppet history…
Developed by Sandlot, the studio behind the Earth Defense Force series, Mecha MG combines the developer’s aptitude for larger-than-life spectacle with a unique and innovative use of the DS touch screen: in addition to standard movement with the D-Pad, each of the game’s 100+ playable mecha has its own unique “cockpit” controlled with the touch screen. Players can pull levers to swing their robot’s arms and hurl buildings at the enemy, flip a switch to transform into a car, punch in launch codes to fire missiles, and countless other imaginative setups.