15 Ramshorn Snails -Great to Cycle Tank-Fish Food-Cleanup Crew-Betta Buddy !

They're easy to care for and will eat algae and any uneaten food. Great cleanup crew !

This is a very peaceful snail that will get along well in any community tank. Your Betta loves them as Buddies !

Use them to help cycle your new tank !

They are  also a good source of food for puffer fish and loaches. Crush them to feed them to any other fish in your tank.
They need a diet rich in calcium to help their shell grow strong and healthy.  This is easy to achieve through a varied diet.

They will not eat plants unless little food is available, however they will clean up any dead or dying plants. Ramshorn snails are a very active snail and will reproduce quickly. They are  also a good source of food for puffer fish.

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