A unique and hard to find knife. If you are a collector and want something different from all the others,

this knife is for you.

This is a Texas, limited edition, from the 2004, 50 States Quarters Series. Which is stated on the double
blades. The manufacturers stamp is too hard to read. So, not sure of the manufacturer since I don't
have the box it came with. This knife is so different from the other States Quarters, I couldn't even
find the series online. 

The blades are 4". The color is not a solid red, it has white flurrying through it. 
One blade has Texas, The Twenty-Eighth Stae and a map.
Other blade says, Limited Edition, 2004 50 States Quarters.
On the other side, says Pakistan and German Stainless.
A number 626 is at the bottom of its case. Might mean the number from the limited edition.