~ Mauve Lithium Radiates a Calm and Relaxing Energy which Helps Relieve stress and anxiety for Inner Healing. Mauve Cleanses the Aura and Increases Personal Connection for Inner Growth and Spiritual Development.
~ Orange-Red Iron Works on the Sacral Chakra to Uplift and Energize the Spirit! This Mineral helps Clear energetic blockages Opening up a Flow of Abundance and Self-Empowerment.
~ Galena has a Strong, Steady Vibration that Grounds and Centers Energy for Focus and a Calm Mind. This Amazing Mineral helps us with Determination and Endurance for the Completion of Projects. Galena is Balancing to the Root Chakra, helping us with Inner Confidence and Feeling Comfortable in Mind, Body, and Soul.
~ Selenite is a Cleansing Mineral that works on our Energetic Bodies. Its High Vibrations Provide a Soothing and Calming Effect and help Bring Light to all levels of our Consciousness. This Wonderful mineral Provides an Energy of Purification and Rejuvenation helping one to Shine at their Highest Frequency!