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Back to the Stone Age [Paperback] [Oct 20, 2014]

This product data sheet is originally written in English.

Back to the Stone Age the fifth in the Edgar Rice Burroughs PELLUCIDAR series. It recounts the adventures of Lieutenant von Horst, a member of the original crew that sailed to PELLUCIDAR with Jason Gridley and Tarzan. He ends up wandering alone among the Stone Age people, huge reptiles and animals that have been extinct on the serface for thousands of years. Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, best known for his creation of the jungle hero Tarzan, Lost worlds and the heroic Mars adventurer John Carter.

Back to the Stone Age the fifth in the Edgar Rice Burroughs PELLUCIDAR series. It recounts the adventures of Lieutenant von Horst, a member of the original crew that sailed to PELLUCIDAR with Jason Gridley and Tarzan. He ends up wandering alone among the Stone Age people, huge reptiles and animals that have been extinct on the serface for thousands of years. Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, best known for his creation of the jungle hero Tarzan, Lost worlds and the heroic Mars adventurer John Carter. View more great items
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Intended Audience Young Adults
Book Title Back to the Stone Age
Number of Pages 166 Pages
Language English
Publisher Bottom of the Hill Publishing
Item Height 0.3 in
Publication Year 2014
Topic Science Fiction / Action & Adventure
Topic Action & Adventure
Illustrator Yes
Genre Fiction
Item Weight 8.2 Oz
Item Length 9 in
Author Edgar Burroughs
Item Width 6 in
Format Trade Paperback