✅ Up for sale: one 3-gallon Lakeland Limequat Tree, 2-4 ft tall. This everbearing limequat tree is perfect for Florida gardeners and cannot be shipped outside the state due to citrus shipping restrictions.
✅ The Lakeland Limequat is a highly cold-hardy, productive variety that thrives in the ground or in containers. This everbearing tree produces flowers year-round in warm weather, providing a continuous supply of fruit. Even after a late frost, the tree can bloom again for another round of fruit production, ensuring a steady harvest.
✅ Orders are sent at the beginning of the week, with trees securely packed in boxes to prevent movement during transit. In winter, shipping may be delayed for up to 30 days until weather conditions are warm enough to ensure safe delivery.
✅ Due to agricultural restrictions, citrus trees cannot be shipped outside Florida. Additionally, plants cannot be sent to California, Hawaii, or Alaska. Orders placed from these states will be canceled automatically.
✅ Your order will arrive in good condition. If any issues occur during transit, contact us the same day with a detailed description and photos so we can assist you.