Washington Navel Orange Tree 1-2 feet tall, grafted, We do not ship to AK, HI, US territorries, Canada or Mexico. We can not ship citrus to TX, CA, AZ, LA, NV or FL. USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-10 Outdoors.
TREE SIZE: 1-2-year-old tree, approximately 1-2 feet tall
POLLINATION: Self-fruitful
RIPENING DATE: Late season
USDA HARDINESS ZONES: 9-11, cold-hardy 25° brief exposure
SPACING: Plant 10-20 feet apart, depending on the pruning method
The Red Navel is characterized by the growth of a second fruit at the apex, which protrudes slightly and resembles a human navel, hence, the name. This variety produces juicy, sweet fruit.
Shipping usually is done in beginning of the week, secured in the box to prevent shifting. During the winter cold months, shipping might be delayed for up to 30-60 days till the weather in your area or on the way to you will become warmer. We do not ship to AK, HI, US territorries, Canada or Mexico. We can not ship citrus to TX, CA, AZ, LA, NV or FL Due to U.S.D.A. regulations . Orders made from those states will be cancelled automatically.