Schneider Kreuznach CCTV High Resolution, IR compensated, 4.8mm / F1.8 (400-1000nm multispectral design)
CAT # 10432
- Description: This 2/3" C-Mount lens is a high end CCTV lens very much used in highly demanding environment of macro photography and industrial/cine work. Contrast and resolution are no-compomise. This lens works perfect. It has auto iris (video signal iris) and focus, which extends beyond the normal focus range found in C mount lenses. It will produce some vignetting in 4/3 detectors, but very little. For video signal iris operation in any CCTV camera, you need to solder tips to proper connector. White is signal, red and black are power (red positive, black negative). Includes both hard caps.
- More info: They are designed for high resolution work (contrast is just amazing) and for a spectral range of 400-1000 nm (IR compensated), which means and can be used in the visible and near infrared range, practically without focus difference. The high optical performance is achieved by a sophisticated optical design and the use of ultra low dispersion glass. A special broadband coating reduces stray light and increases transmission over the whole spectral range. In my tests with slanted edge method, these Schneider Cinegon/Xenoplan broadband lenses are among the top winners always. Original cost about 1700€. Very high end glass! For those of you nerd coatings experts, at the back lens produces light purple/green reflections and at the back it has strange yellowish/green reflection.
- Issues: none
- Technical information: HTTPS:// (see page 3)
- A WARNING WORD HERE: My descriptions are faithful. I am NOT a cold Corporation thinking up just in numbers and my selling here is a long term responsability activity. I want you to be sure you are paying for what I am describing. In fact, most of my items are over-described (I tend to look specifically for problems instead of overlooking them). If for some reason you think I missed it up, get back to me. I don't tend to mess around with people. Like most of you, I work out my life with others "Quid Pro Quo" style, which means that I TRY TO DO OTHERS WHAT I WOULD LIKE THEM TO DO WITH ME.
- My cameras and optical stuff are all stored in dry&safe containers here (no leaks, no humidity, no vapors). They will be delivered to you exactly as you are watching them here.
- I ACCEPT ON HAND DELIVERY if you live in Madrid.
- I accept returns: 1) Items must be received back in same condition as when they left here. 2) You pay return shipping costs as long as there are not other issues (DOA, etc..), in which case I would pay return shipping.

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I usually ship within 3 days from payment down.
(Los envíos con destino a España suelen enviarse en un maximo de 1-2 días laborables).