Direct Binding:: Solomon's ritual of ARCANE magick





Necromancy: Involves the evocation of spirits of deceased individuals for the purpose of divination. This ritual enables you to call upon those who have passed and provides you protection while doing so.

Divination:the art or practice that foresees or foretells future events or hidden knowledge by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers. Simply meditate to gain vast wisdom and prophecies.

Transmutation: The action of changing or being changed into another form. You will master the powers of transmutation. Changing matter or transmuting energies at will.

Evocation:The action of invoking a spirit or deity. You will have the power to call upon any spirit. All spirits bow to the wearer of this powerful article.

Abjuration:Provides protective spells. Activates physical or magical barriers, negates magical or physical abilities that are sent to harm you and can even banish the subject of the spell to another plane of existence.

Illusion: The ability to make someone see or believe something that is not actually there. Will create smoke screens against your enemies. They see what you want them to see only!

Conjuration: For clear and concise communication with all Spirits.

Enchantment:Use your intent to cast a spell on an object or a person.

This ritual creates a direct link to the power of celestial or magical correspondences.

Thus it allows the ability to invoke the desired forces through thought processes.



Paypal only please. Payment due immediately. I will need your name and date of birth for spell cast.


You will not receive any item by mail. This is a direct energy spell cast.


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