(Internal # R353-32)  This is a fulgurite from West Texas, average 2-5/8" long, with EXTRA LARGE natural hole.  Nice one of a kind display piece.

Last photo is an illustration of an extraordinarily large fulgurite found in Libya as an example of how large fulgurites can get.

From a private collector walked the sand hills in West Texas and picked up these fulgurites over the last 15 years.  He found many of them during the 100 year drought in sand blowouts.  Weather has now returned to "normal" and he found fewer and fewer.  Over the last 10 years there were no seasonal ponds in the sand hills, now there are hundreds of ponds where the blow outs used to be.  So this is a limited offering of fulgurites from a little known area.  

What's a "Fulgurite"?  This large specimen you see above from the Libyan Desert shows what happens when LIGHTNING strikes SAND !!  "Fulgurite" means "lightning" in Latin, folks.  Each flash of lightning releases an average energy of 1 billion Joules.  Air temp may reach 10,000 - 30,000 degrees K., with currents from 10-100KA for microseconds.  It vaporizes sand and rock to make amorphous glass.  Tubular fulgurites may reach over 8 meters, but are fragile.  What an interesting thing to add to your rock & mineral collection!  We make them very affordable, though smaller...most still have a hole where the lightning went through.

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