Up for sale one rooted starter plant of Yellow flowers - Vine CAMPSIS radicans ‘Flava’ Trumpet Creeper 6-12 inches tall. Welcome to our New Planting season. We hope you enjoy our new plant offerings. Shipping First Class mail USA, International.
Plant is rooted, growing in small plastic container, shipping it in the container with soil during summer. Liana is dormant from October until May. Dormant plants shipped bare root. Please check your State local laws for plants entry. Due to U.S.D.A. regulations, some plants I have for sale cannot be shipped to TX, FL, AZ, CA. We will not be responsible for confiscated items while being shipped.
A vigorous climber that produces beautiful, yellow, trumpet-shaped blooms. Provide support such as a trellis, fence or arbor to create an splendid, colorful accent to a patio, pathway or garden perimeter. Once established, thrives and blooms best with little care, other than annual pruning to control size. Deciduous Vigorous, clinging stems quickly reach 25 to 30 ft. tall, with support.
Quick shipping methods will keep your cuttings in the best shape for its trip across the country. It is recommended to plant it to the pot or in the ground same day when you receive it. International shipping soil less bare root, roots wrapped in wet wood shavings an plastic, partially de leafed in summer. Well packed for long travel. I do provide tracking number with every purchase within USA.