◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 🌃🌁🌇🏙🌆🌏🌐🏦🗽🏪🕑🕜🎽🥎📒📓📘📜 ➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️ 📒 - Item Description: ``````````````````````````````` " AN INSTANT CLASSIC! Whether you're leading change or changing your life, this book delivers. " - Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People ➖️◼️⚪️⚫️◽️◾️ " Ideas can change the world - but only when coupled with influence- the ability to change hearts, minds and behaviour. This book provides a practical approach to less change and empower us all to make a difference. " - Muhammad Yunus, CEO of Grameen Bank Bangladesh, Author Of Banker To The Poor ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 🌃🌁🌇🏙🌆🌏🌐🏦🗽🏪🕑🕜🎽🥎📒📓📘📜 ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 📃 - About The Product: ````````````````````````````````` CHANGE YOUR COMPANY. CHANGE THE LIVES OF OTHERS. CHANGE THE WORLD. To solve problems, leaders must be able to influence behavioral change, the authors of this book present proven skills, principles and strategies that you can apply to create fast, impactful and lasting change in any aspect of your work and personal life. After studying top leaders and influencers around the world, the authors uncovered several common principles and strategies that can be learned and replicated. By mastering them, you too can become a powerful leader and change agent. ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 🌃🌁🌇🏙🌆🌏🌐🏦🗽🏪🕑🕜🎽🥎📒📓📘📜 ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 🏦 - Insights/Previews Of The Influencer: `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️ To successfully influence change, you need 3 keys. Influencers are crystal-clear about the exact outcome they want, when to achieve it, and how to measure it. They apply these 3 principles: 1. Set specific, meaningful and time-bound goals. A goal to “help the poor” is vague and subjective, whereas a goal to “save 100,000 lives in Africa from poverty-related diseases by 31 Dec 2020″ is specific. Clear goals that appeal both to the head and heart are more likely to spur action. 2. Measure frequently. Unless something is measured regularly and given constant attention, it won’t drive behaviors. To influence change, you can’t rely on estimations—you must invest the effort and resources to collect specific data and metrics and assess your actual progress. 3. Measure the right things that’ll drive the behaviors you want to change. If you want to help end poverty in poverty driven countries, keeping a track record of the lives changes through the use of micro finance for example would help keep track of the practical results and improvements. Which is a boost to the cause, which inspires and motivates everyone involved, from the bankers to the borrowers. ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 🌃🌁🌇🏙🌆🌏🌐🏦🗽🏪🕑🕜🎽🥎📒📓📘📜 ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 🏪 - Identify Vital Behaviours: ``````````````````````````````````````````` Once you know your desired outcomes, you must define the behavioral change required to achieve those results. Influencers don’t dilute their efforts over dozens of behaviors. They focus on a few high-leverage behaviors that’ll create the greatest impact. After identifying possible vital behaviors, test the solutions with other failed groups to see if they deliver the desired results. ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 🌃🌁🌇🏙🌆🌏🌐🏦🗽🏪🕑🕜🎽🥎📒📓📘📜 ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ 🌐 - Use 6 Sources Of Influence: ````````````````````````````````````````````` The insights/previews of this book ends on this point, you must purchase this book to find out more info ! 😉 The Influencer by Joseph Grenny is an extremely practical book, which helps any individual to muscle up and strengthen that mental skill. This book has made an impact and a huge difference within the lives of many entrepreneurs. To all individuals who deeply study business, personal development and self help ... The Influencer is highly recommended ! 👊 ➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️ 🌃🌁🌇🏙🌆🌏🌐🏦🗽🏪🕑🕜🎽🥎📒📓📘📜 ◼️◻️◾️◽️◻️◼️◼️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️ |