Produced by Super Impulse, this is part of their World's Smallest line of toys. This features six different characters from the popular trading card/sticker series of the 1980's from Topps. Just like the original cad series, each character has two different versions and names as do these figures. Figure #8A is Adam Bomb and #8B is Blasted Billy. Figure #3A is Up Chuck and #3B is Heavin Steven. Figure #10A is Tee-Vee Stevie and #10B is Geeky Gary. The figures are approximately 1" to 1.25" tall and include a stand and display box and a mini sticker reproducing the original sticker card. We pulled these from a sealed case that we bought direct from Super Impulse and they have been stored in a smoke and pet free environment.
We are adding hundreds of new items to our store each month so check back often for additional toys, action figures and other trading card merchandise.