99 Daily Crossword Puzzles for Adults by Terza Ekholm, Free Shipping

Solving a puzzle a day keeps the mind sharp, as this activity refreshes your memory of words as well as to engage your faculty of critical thinking. It is not necessary to solve one per day, however, this is a good goal to begin.

This book holds a collection of 99 crossword puzzles from easy to medium difficulty. They are meant to be entertaining and sometimes challenging.

The puzzles are large, making it easy for seniors to use.

Feel free to tear out each page when you are ready to solve a puzzle and put it on a clipboard for easy access.

This way, when you put aside the puzzle, you won't have to search for it in the book when you resume solving it.

Each puzzle is labeled with a word randomly chosen from the puzzle, with each solution in the back of the book matched with the same word for easy retrieval.

These puzzles are excellent for waking up the mind during breakfast, for an evening’s entertainment, a break at the office, or to pass the time enjoyably while traveling on a train or plane.