ASIN 0876057350
Praise for Second-Hand Dog
"At long last, the book all animal shelters have been waiting for is here: Carol Lea Benjamin's Second-Hand Dog."—Sue Sternberg, ASPCA Report "...goes right to the heart of what it's all about..."—Barbara Dyer, Director, Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter "Benjamin writes with love and sensitivity about caring for pets 'adopted' from a shelter."—Publishers Weekly "...a solid training program...a great book."—Job Michael Evans, Dog Fancy "Why a book like this has never before been written is beyond me. It is an invaluable guide to rehabilitating those myriad unfortunate dogs which have either never had a home or have been shuttled from one owner to another, losing confidence, trust and self-esteem every step of the way. It is an absolute must for every owner who wants his second-hand dog to regain the ability to become the warm, loving companion every dog should be."—Kenneth A. Marden, President, The American Kennel Club "...Carol Lea Benjamin has written a witty, sound and thoroughly appropriate book on the extraordinary advantages that each of us who has second-hand pets knows first-hand. If you're thinking about sharing your life with a pet or with another pet, read this book first!"—John F. Kullberg, President, ASPCA Find other books we are rehoming are at: