5/8" Wide Round Base Cone Shaped Silicon Rubber Stick on Feet Pads
1/2" Tall Lifters / Bumpers
Top Cone Width 7/16"
8 / 12 / 24 / 48 Packs Available
Stick On Pads for Lifting Items / Equipment off Surface
The backing is peel and stick 3M adhesive
High Quality Solid Rubber Feet
These are adhesive backed solid rubber feet for electronics, and can be used for all items
that need to be off the surface. These will also work for DVD players and other electronics.
The backing is peel and stick 3M adhesive
Installed under a gaming console, like an Xbox, or PlayStation, they keep
the equipment from collecting dust and water damage. These are also useful in a restroom where a soapbox or home item would benefit from being lifted off the surface.
Useful Replacement For:
Guitar Pedals
Xbox / PlayStation
Audio Equipment
Home Decor
Cutting Boards
Door Bumpers
We carry multiple sizes
Ships Fast and Free
100% Customer Satisfaction Rating