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With all the great features of the day, this makes a great birthday gift, or anniversary present!
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TITLE: TIME magazine
[The news-magazine of the century, with all the news, features, and vintage ADS! See FULL contents below!]
ISSUE DATE: June 14, 1943; Vol. XLI No. 24
CONDITION: Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)

[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

COVER: HAROLD SMITH, Director of the Budget. Czars may come and czars may go, but he goes on forever. (U. S. at War). Cover painting by Boris Chaliapin.


The People Win (Foreign News / FRANCE).
The People Lose Again (Foreign News / ARGENTINA).
Morales Shuffles Out (Foreign News / CHILE).
Quiet Revolution (Foreign News / JAMAICA).
Not in Vain (Foreign News / GERMANY).
Peerage for Stuffy (Foreign News / GREAT BRITAIN).
Rose Petals & Scrambled Eggs (Foreign News / INDIA).
Cheers for the Duke (Foreign News).
"This Means You" (Foreign News).
Sir Walter Threatens (Foreign News).
The Luftwaffe Intercepts (Foreign News).
U.S.F.S.R. (Foreign News).

Missioner's Return (U.S. At War / THE PRESIDENCY).
Strike II (U.S. At War / LABOR).
W, as in War (U.S. At War / THE CAPITAL).
105 Chinese (U.S. At War / THE CONGRESS).
Ah, Wilderness! (U.S. At War / WARTIME LIVING).
Now Milk (U.S. At War / FOOD).
1940 ... ALL OVER AGAIN? (U.S. At War).
The General Manager (U.S. At War / THE ADMINISTRATION).
Full Payment (U.S. At War / CRIME).
To London: $100, 15 Hours (U.S. At War / TRANSPORT).
If Not Today, Then Tomorrow (World Battlefronts / STRATEGY).
The Game & The Trap (World Battlefronts / THE MEDITERRANEAN).
Reds' Round (World Battlefronts / BATTLE OF RUSSIA).
Britain's 275,844 (World Battlefronts / CASUALTIES).
Victory on the Yangtze (World Battlefronts / BATTLE OF CHINA).
Seductive Sikaicma (World Battlefronts / BATTLE OF THE PACIFIC).
Captivity Pay (Army & Navy / PRISONERS).
Navy Chennault (Army & Navy / AIR).
Cheap Firepower (Army & Navy / WEAPONS).
High Iron in Africa (Army & Navy / TRANSPORT).
Work Done (U.S. At War).
Freedom from Want (U.S. At War).
"The Lost 47,000,000 Acres" (U.S. At War).
Hold Them & Wear Them Down (World Battlefronts).
Success at Sea (World Battlefronts).
Everything Goes (World Battlefronts).
Proof of Independence (Army & Navy / TACTICS).
Armor for Airmen (Army & Navy / EQUIPMENT).
Faint Faults (Army & Navy).
"Dear Red ..." (U.S. At War).

SCIENCE: Block-Busting Secret. Venom Patrol.
HEALTH & MEDICINE: Sulfd Debits & Credits (Medicine). Screen Salesman (Medicine). Child Dipsomaniacs (Medicine).
PRESS: This Week's Spirit (The Press). Maine's May (The Press). MacArthur's Muscles (The Press).
RELIGION: Letters to Hull. Chungking Meeting.
SPORT: How Fleet?. Cannon's Shot. Ladies of the Little Diamond.
EDUCATION: Commencement to Come. Professors at Work.

The Last Buying Spree? (Business & Finance / RETAIL TRADE).
Lockheed Finance (Business & Finance / AVIATION).
WHO OWNS THE U.S. WAR PLANT? (Business & Finance).
A.P.v. the Citizens (Business & Finance / BANKING).
Room for Rubber (Business & Finance / POSTWAR).
Western Union's "Boys" (Business & Finance / COMMUNICATION).
Up the Ladder (Business & Finance / PERSONNEL).
Rise of Consolidated (Business & Finance / SHIPBUILDING).
Ford's War Cabinet (Business & Finance / CORPORATIONS).
Half a Million Planes (Business & Finance).

Stark Young, Painter (Art). [With photo]
Opportunity Ahead (Radio).
Not So Dim (The Theater).
New Picture (Cinema). "Stage Door Canteen".
The Long Job (Books). W. L. White.
Power Politics (Books). Walter Lippmann.
New Novels (Books).
Comforting Picture (The Theatre).

Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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