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With all the great features of the day, this makes a great birthday gift, or anniversary present! Careful packaging, Fast shipping, and EVERYTHING is 100% GUARANTEED. TITLE: TIME magazine [The news-magazine of the century, with all the news, features, and vintage ADS! See FULL contents below!] ISSUE DATE: March 21, 1949; Vol. LIII, No. 12 CONDITION: Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo) IN THIS ISSUE: [Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER: Britain's Health minister Aneurin Bevan -- "A new vet for a bulldog breed." Cover Painting: BORIS CHALIAPIN. HIGHLIGHTS from this issue by MORE MAGAZINES': Buick Roadmaster two page ad. NEWS: Vandenburg; Barkley;Harry Truman in Kew West;Emory and Norma Holt;Medicine in Britain (cover story).... Mercury Full page color ad. PEOPLE: (with pictures) Robert Hutchins; Lillian & Dorothy Gish and Mary Pickford.... EDUCATION: ALBERT EINSTEIN and his autobiography.... ART: Joyce Clyde Hall and the Hallmark contest;Andre Masson Gerhard Marcks.... RADIO TV: Giveaway radio;UHF tuners in TV's.... RELIGION: Karl Barth. THEATER: Sylvia Siegler; AT WAR WITH THE ARMY. PRESS: Kung Teh-pai, Mister Big Cannon; Alexandria Gazette. MUSIC: Igor Stravinsky; Conductor Hans Kindler; Gary A. White; Howard Mitchell.... SCIENCE: Dr. Dorritt Hoffleit, Astronomer. SPORT: Brooklyn Dodgers Training camp. CINEMA: DEVIL IN THE FLESH; SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS;NO MINOR VICES. BOOKS: T. S. Elliot;F. L. Green;Elizabeth Taylor. Back Cover AD: LINDA DARNELL for ABC Chesterfield. FULL TIME LISTINGS: NATION. THE NATION: Milking the Mice (National Affairs / THE NATION). THE CONGRESS: Weapon of the Minority (National Affairs / THE CONGRESS). National Affairs: Very, Very Close (National Affairs). THE PRESIDENCY: Don't Go Away Mad (National Affairs / THE PRESIDENCY). THE STATES: Texas Minds Its Own Business (National Affairs / THE STATES). National Affairs: No Favors, Please (National Affairs). INDIANA: Who Killed Mary Cheever? (National Affairs / INDIANA). CRIME: Broken Connection (National Affairs / CRIME). LABOR: Spring Mourning (National Affairs / LABOR). TREASON: I Wish . . . (National Affairs / TREASON). NEW YORK: The Education of Clendenin (National Affairs / NEW YORK). MANNERS & MORALS: Americana, Mar. 21, 1949 (National Affairs / MANNERS & MORALS). WORLD. COMMUNISTS: On the Right Hand (International / COMMUNISTS). International: More Temblors (International). ECONOMICS: Austerity v. Beneluxury (International / ECONOMICS). THE NATIONS: All Fine (International / THE NATIONS). POLICIES & PRINCIPLES: Read & Reflect (International / POLICIES & PRINCIPLES). GREAT BRITAIN: Medicine Man (Foreign News / GREAT BRITAIN). Foreign News: Health Insurance Catalogue (Foreign News). Foreign News: Newly Poor (Foreign News). Foreign News: No Ghoti Today (Foreign News). JAPAN: Kabuki to the Kremlin (Foreign News / JAPAN). DENMARK: After Whom the Deluge? (Foreign News / DENMARK). CHINA: Birthday Present (Foreign News / CHINA). INDIA: Kings of the Jungle (Foreign News / INDIA). CUBA: In Central Park (The Hemisphere / CUBA). ARGENTINA: Riding High (The Hemisphere / ARGENTINA). CANADA: Strike Town (The Hemisphere / CANADA). BRAZIL: By the Bootstraps (The Hemisphere / BRAZIL). SCIENCE. Science: Britain Can Make It. Science: Whistle of the Missile. HEALTH & MEDICINE. Medicine: A Private Matter (Medicine). Medicine: Quick VD Cure? (Medicine). Medicine: The G.P.s (Medicine). Medicine: Ailing Hickory (Medicine). PRESS. The Press: Mister Big Cannon (The Press). The Press: Loose End (The Press). The Press: George Washington Read Here (The Press). The Press: End of Script (The Press). RELIGION. Religion: Theologian's Ten Years. Religion: Churchmen & the Pact. Religion: Peace in the Cemetery. SPORT. Sport: They'll All Be Doing This. Sport: Big Bill. BUSINESS. THE ECONOMY: The Last to Go (Business & Finance / THE ECONOMY). AVIATION: Small Wonder (Business & Finance / AVIATION). THE WEST: Good Gravy (Business & Finance / THE WEST). HOTELS: Luck of the Irish (Business & Finance / HOTELS). NEW PRODUCTS: Ben, Joe & the Kiddies (Business & Finance / NEW PRODUCTS). STATE OF BUSINESS: Facts & Figures, Mar. 21, 1949 (Business & Finance / STATE OF BUSINESS). GOVERNMENT: Down to Business (Business & Finance / GOVERNMENT). Business & Finance: On the Operating Table (Business & Finance). WALL STREET: Tell Me, Little Gypsy (Business & Finance / WALL STREET). EDUCATION. Education: Holy Curiosity. Education: The Case at Brown. Education: Quadrumvirate. Education: Top of the Crop. Education: New Mr. Smith. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT. Art: Le Plan Hallmark (Art). Art: Stimulation (Art). Art: More Innocent, More Detached (Art). Radio & TV: The $35,250 Answer (Radio & TV). Radio & TV: Is Your Set Obsolete? (Radio & TV). Radio & TV: Program Preview, Mar. 21, 1949 (Radio & TV). The Theater: Standing Room Only (The Theater). The Theater: New Play in Manhattan, Mar. 21, 1949 (The Theater). Music: Declassed (Music). Music: Ring in the New (Music). Music: First on the Coast (Music). Cinema: Sweepstakes (Cinema). Cinema: French Import (Cinema). Cinema: The New Pictures, Mar. 21, 1949 (Cinema). Cinema: Current & Choice, Mar. 21, 1949 (Cinema). Books: Back to the Waste Land (Books). Books: A Crime of Weakness (Books). Books: Feminine Ripples (Books). ______ Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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