Natural Burma Jadeite Jade Pendant 

Fine Hand Carving Icy Ice Light Green 100% Natural Burma Jadeite Jade Orchid Pendant for Prosperity & Longevity
With certificate (Authentic Type A Jadeite)
天然缅甸翡翠 ~ 精雕冰淡绿兰花天然缅甸翡翠挂件 / ビルマ翡翠蘭ペンダント

*Certificate No - FHN00190311012
*Materials - 100% Natural Jadeite Jade
*Refractive Index - 1.66 (spot measurement)
*Jadeite Size - approx - 34.70mm/20.50mm/8.00mm 
*Weight - 8.04 grams
*Carat - 40.20 carats
*Original - Burma / Carved and Refine in China
*Package - 1 X Pendant with String / 1 X Gift Box / 1 X Certificate
*Delivery - Worldwide Free Shipping
*Item Video Display Link :-
Only One Unit Available
This natural Burmese jadeite pendant in the shape of an orchid is a remarkable work of art. The main stone is of a translucent, icy pale green color and has been expertly carved to resemble an orchid, measuring approximately 34.70mm in length, 20.50mm in width, and 8.00mm in thickness, with a weight of 8.04 grams and 40.20 carats. It comes with a certificate of authenticity (A-grade natural jadeite). This piece is not only a stunning decorative item, but also an exceptional collectible. Jadeite is one of the most treasured and valuable gemstones in traditional Chinese culture, making this natural Burmese jadeite orchid pendant highly coveted by collectors. The delicate color and translucence of the main stone, coupled with the intricate craftsmanship, make it a beautiful work of art with exceptional value. Beyond its aesthetic beauty, the value of jadeite as a collectible is also due to its rarity. The scarcity of natural jadeite means that supply is limited, making this orchid jadeite pendant an even more valuable collectible. In addition to its precious material and workmanship, this orchid jadeite pendant also holds rich symbolism. In traditional Chinese culture, orchids are associated with elegance, purity, and nobility, representing honor and grace. Combining orchids with jadeite in this pendant represents the collector's pursuit of beauty and refinement. Orchids are also considered an auspicious symbol in Chinese culture, representing peace, happiness, and good fortune. Therefore, this orchid jadeite pendant represents the collector's aspirations for a beautiful and happy life. In summary, this natural Burmese jadeite orchid pendant is an exquisite and valuable collectible. It symbolizes the collector's pursuit of nobility, elegance, and a beautiful and happy life.
A slight difference in color compositions as shown in the photos may occur as with all colored gemstones. Color changes under different lighting conditions, for example indoors or outdoors, and even the time of day can make the stone's color look slightly different. We do our best to display the colors as we perceive them. Color perception is highly personal, some people perceive more colors than others, and colors may appear differently on different screens and devices due to differences in screen hardware and device display settings. Kindly take this into consideration before purchasing.
Jadeite is a pyroxene mineral with composition NaAlSi2O6. It is monoclinic. It has a Mohs hardness of about 6.5 to 7.0. The mineral is dense, with a specific gravity of about 3.4.Jadeite's color commonly ranges from white through pale apple green to deep jade green but can also be blue-green (like the recently rediscovered "Olmec Blue" jade), pink, lavender and a multitude of other rare colors.  Color is largely affected by the presence of trace elements such as chromium and iron. Its translucence varies from opaque to almost clear. Jadeite is one of two minerals recognized as the gemstone jade.  The most highly valued colors of jadeite are the intensely green, translucent varieties, though traditionally white has been considered the most valuable of the jades by the Chinese. Jadeite is rare, its presence at the surface indicates great uplift of earlier buried regions and great amounts of erosion.
Green jadeite is a rare gemstone that gets its color from the presence of chrome element. Due to its green color, it is considered a symbol of calmness and peace. It is also seen as a talisman that can help people get rid of troubles and annoyances. In addition, jadeite is believed to have healing properties and can help people recover their health. In Chinese culture, jadeite is considered a symbol of wealth and luck. It is believed to bring wealth and business success, therefore many people treat it as an investment piece or place it in positions that symbolize wealth, such as on an office desk. In addition, jadeite is a very popular gift because it not only has a beautiful appearance but also carries a positive meaning. Therefore, green jadeite is often given as gifts to loved ones, friends and family members.
Jadeite ranks near the top of a list of one of the most valuable gemstones in the world. This gemstone is jade's most expensive, most beautiful variety. Since this deep green translucent gem is significantly rarer than other types of jade, it is worth much more. Jadeite value is based on the level of transparency and depth of color. Some very fine pieces have even sold over $1 million per carat.
Jadeite is known for the bright electric green of imperial jade, jadeite can actually occur in many colors, including lavender, yellow, orange-red, blue, black and colorless highly prized in Chinese, Mayan and Maori cultures, this stone has an extensive body of folklore. Jadeite value depends on its translucence and texture, with top-quality material appearing to be full of water, or like a drop of colored oil. Still, determining the price of a piece of jade involves more subjectivity than most gemstones. The artistry of the piece play a very important role. There's a Chinese saying: "Gold has value, Jade is invaluable.".
翡翠(jadeite),也称翡翠玉, 翠玉, 缅甸玉, 是玉的一种。翡翠的正确定义是以硬玉矿物为主的辉石类矿物组成的纤维状集合体。在古代翡翠是一种生活在南方的鸟, 毛色十分美丽, 通常有蓝, 绿, 红, 棕等颜色。一般这种鸟雄性的为红色, 谓之“翡”, 雌性的为绿色, 谓之“翠“。翡翠呈现玻璃光泽, 半透明或透明。翡翠因含有不同的染色离子而呈现各种颜色, 通常有白, 红, 绿, 紫, 黄, 粉等。纯净无杂质者为白色, 若含有铬元素, 则呈现出柔润艳丽的淡绿, 深绿色, 名之为翠, 此品种最为名贵, 极受人们的珍视喜爱。若含锰则呈现淡紫色, 深紫色, 常称之为春地或藕粉地。含铁元素, 则呈现暗红, 褐红, 赤红色, 被人称之为翡。含铬和铜元素, 则呈现淡蓝, 淡青色, 人称橄榄水。高档翡翠除颜色好之外, 质地也极其重要, 一般颜色鲜嫩漂亮, 质地较透明, 玻璃光泽强者为上品。随着翡翠市场的发展, 翡翠价格逐渐上涨, 又因翡翠属于硬玉, 近年来, 翡翠价格也日渐升高。除了鉴赏价值, 翡翠还具有投资收藏价值。翡翠原石是在低温环境下, 由极高压环境下形成的, 属于不可再生资源。翡翠的由来已久, 自清代开始兴起, 并被看做是神圣的象征。翡翠原石, 我们虽然熟悉, 但它到底是宝石还是玉石?可能有些人不一定明白, 翡翠原石又称硬玉, 具双重特征, 既称之为宝石, 可列入五大名贵宝石, 又称之为玉石, 是玉石中之王。


一、 玉蘭花寓意吉祥, 古代玉蘭花為早春之花, 先葉而開, 象徵春天及美好的事物, 反映人們對美好事物的追求和對完美的嚮往。蘭花與桂花一起象徵蘭桂齊芳, 寓意德澤長留, 經久不衰, 也就是把恩惠留給後輩子孫, 亦用來稱頌別人的子孫昌盛。蘭花後來又引申出多層含義, 如美好的文章稱「蘭章」, 對別人子弟的美稱叫「蘭玉」, 對友情契合而結拜成兄弟稱「金蘭之好」等。

二、 玉蘭花象徵品行高潔, 有德澤的象徵。遠在春秋時期就已種植木蘭, 偉大詩人屈原的《離騷》中就有「朝飲木蘭之墜露兮, 夕餐菊之落英」的佳句, 以示其高潔的人格, 寓意堅硬爽朗、威武不屈。

三、蘭花被譽為「花中君子」, 與梅、竹、菊一起被稱為花中四君子, 其中暗含的君子之風別有韻味。玉蘭花代表著君子, 寓意人格高尚、德才兼備。

四、玉蘭花代表聖潔、純潔的愛, 真摯的感情。玉蘭花也稱木筆花, 多用於美人身上, 也是愛情的象徵。情深意濃的情人們常把玉蘭花當作愛情的信物, 並山盟海誓「生結金蘭, 死同墓穴」, 象徵了愛情婚姻堅貞不渝、美滿幸福、甜甜蜜蜜。女子佩戴倍添婉約柔媚之感。

五 、玉蘭花象徵著高雅、俊雅, 蘭為王者香, 幽香清遠, 有著知識份子的氣質, 賦予其高貴脫俗的形象。

六, 玉蘭花有「玉樹臨風」之美稱, 喻姿貌秀美, 才幹出眾, 與海棠、牡丹合用, 寓意「玉堂富貴」。玉蘭又稱木筆, 筆與必諧音, 玉蘭傍壽石圖案, 則寓意「必得其壽」。


绿色翡翠是一种珍稀的玉石, 它的颜色是由于含有铬元素所致。由于翡翠的颜色是绿色的, 它被认为是一种平静和和平的象征。它也被视为是一种保护符, 能够帮助人们摆脱烦恼和困扰。此外, 翡翠还被认为具有治疗作用, 能够帮助人们恢复健康。在中国文化中, 翡翠被认为是财富和幸运的象征。它被认为能够带来财运和商业成功。因此, 许多人会将翡翠作为一种投资品, 或者将其放入财富象征的位置, 如办公桌上。另外, 翡翠还是一种非常受欢迎的礼物, 因为它不仅具有美丽的外貌, 而且蕴含着美好的寓意。因此, 绿色翡翠通常被赠送给爱人、朋友和亲戚。


这颗天然缅甸翡翠兰花挂件, 采用冰种淡绿色主石, 精致雕刻而成, 尺寸大约为34.70毫米(长) x 20.50毫米(宽) x 8.00毫米(厚) , 重量8.04克, 40.20克拉, 备有“A”货天然翡翠证书。这件藏品不仅是一件艺术品, 更具有极高的收藏价值。翡翠是中国传统文化中非常重要的珍贵石材之一, 具有极高的收藏价值。这颗天然缅甸翡翠兰花挂件采用了冰种淡绿色主石, 配以精湛的雕刻技艺, 其自然细腻的色彩和透亮度让人赞叹不已。翡翠的收藏价值不仅在于其美观的外观, 更在于它的珍稀性和稀缺性。由于天然翡翠的产量十分稀少, 市场上的供应量也十分有限, 因此, 这件兰花翡翠挂件的收藏价值非常高。除了其珍贵的材质和工艺, 这颗兰花翡翠挂件还具有非常丰富的寓意。在中国传统文化中, 兰花是高雅、纯洁、高贵的象征, 代表着尊荣和优雅。将兰花与翡翠结合在一起, 这件兰花翡翠挂件代表着收藏者对于美好品质和高雅气质的追求。同时, 兰花也是中国文化中吉祥的象征之一, 寓意着平安、幸福和吉祥。因此, 这颗兰花翡翠挂件也代表着收藏者对于美好生活和幸福生活的追求。综上所述, 这颗天然缅甸翡翠兰花挂件是一件珍贵的藏品, 不仅具有极高的收藏价值, 更寓意着人们对于高贵、高雅、美好生活和幸福的向往和追求。