Due to the unavailability of translucent half gallon industrial bottles, this product may be shipped in solid pigmented (non-translucent) bottles. These is a temporary contingency.
It is always shipped in two one-half gallon bottles.
Super Compost Tea might be considered more as Compost Coffee. This product was not simply steeped in compost for days or weeks even, it was brewed the entire duration of the composting process which is in excess of 8 months. It is concentrated and should be diluted in water as directed when watering your plants.
Compost tea isn't simply plant food or fertilizer. It is more than just Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), and Potash (K). Some benefits are identified here:
-The organic compounds and particulates leach into the soil and provide improved pathways for nutrients to be delivered to the plants roots.
-It contains micro and macro nutrients that aid in the proliferation of soil microbes and beneficial microorganisms.
-A key source of weed free organic matter that buffers soil PH.
-Reduces chemical fertilizer requirements as plants are more effective utilizing nutrients.
-Compost tea can be sprayed directly on the leaves not just to wash off dust, but provide a natural food source for microorganisms on the surface which are known to protect plants from disease.
This offer is for one 1 gallon of compost tea which will make approximately 64 gallons of water.
It will ship in two 1/2 gallon bottles.
The date stamp on the bottle is the 'bottle on' date, not the expiration.
*This product labeling contains a stern warning "Not intended for consumption by humans or pets. Product contains bacteria, microbes, and other non-food items. May cause serious illness or death if consumed." This does not mean that the product is 'toxic'. What it means is that it is NOT a BEVERAGE! We are aware that the identity of the product contains the word 'Tea' and that it is packaged in what may be view as a beverage bottle. We elected to use extraordinary cautious language to be as instructive as necessary. It is not a dangerous product it is simply not sanitary to drink. It is made from all natural composted horse and chicken manure and waste hay around feeders. Not something that anyone should consider food safe.