48" PAIR zbar cleats hanger The Z Hanger is a simple hanging system. two bracket assembly that locks together. One bracket is secured on the wall while the other bracket is secured on the object to be hung. The Z Hanger, also known as a z bar , zbar or Ez bar, is simple, fast and cost effective. Picture hanging, mirror hanging and HANGING SYSTEM FOR HEAVY ITEM INSTALLATION EZ-ZBAR HANGER .for heavy installation up to 400 LB CAN BE CUT TO ANY SIZE BY YOUR REQUEST IN COMMENT AREA WITH HOLES EVERY 4" length 48" PAIR SIZE 48" X 1 1/4" X 1/8" Designed to Hang Large, Oversized and Heavy Objects. Great Commercial and Residential Applications: WEIGHTED MIRRORS , OVERSIZED ARTWORK ,SECURITY AND SAFTY , HANGS TIGHTLY TO WALL , HOTEL/SECURITY INSTALATION , RESTAURANTS , SENIOR & medical buildings ,corporate offices 100% Extruded Aluminum with Pre- drilled Holes Every 4" for Easy Stud Positioning Easy to Place! Easy to Remove! Perfectly Secure! Cuts to Size With Hand or Power Saw. |