NEW BOOK Jams and Preserves by Murdoch Books
Fresh cherry jam in the middle of winter? Eggplant pickle all year round? Making jams and chutneys is an easy way to defy the seasons and preserve the flavours of fruits and vegetables for many months. And, if you grow your own, the art of preserving is even more satisfying. More than 100 recipes for sweet and savoury jams, preserves, jellies, marmalades, chutneys and pickles are included, and there are instructions for making microwave jams and dried fruits, too. And, if you're not sure what you can do with that lovely jam or sauce you've made, other than to put it on toast or pour it over fruit, there are also recipes for pies, tarts and other meals and snacks. Great results are quickly achieved using this beautiful book - a celebration of an old tradition that will never go out of fashion. Key points: more than 100 recipes for the jam and preserve-making enthusiast; techniques for making the most of gluts of inexpensive seasonal fruit and vegetables; recipes for scones, main meals and desserts featured alongside the jams, pickles and sweet and savoury sauces with which they go best.
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Murdoch Books (4 July 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1742660320
ISBN-13: 978-1742660325
Product Code: B1440-LW750
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