Stay cool and dry whether you are in the gym, on the field or on the go with this Perfect Fitness Cooling Towel. The towel is made of hyper-evaporative material that retains water while remaining dry to the touch. The cloth is approximately 29 x 11 inches, making it long enough to comfortably wrap the soft lint-free cloth around your neck or head. When wet, the sports cooling towel becomes considerably cooler than the outside air and provides cooling relief. Simply soak the towel in cold water and place it around your neck or over your head. It works well at outdoor events. The Perfect Fitness Cooling Towel is effective for hours to keep you comfortable while doing your favorite activity at home or on the go.Perfect Fitness Perfect Cooling Towel:
- Stays cool for hours
- Hyper-evaporative material helps keep you dry
- Sports cooling towel is machine washable
- Wicks moisture away from your skin
- Material is soft when dry
- Evaporative cooling towel dimensions: 29" x 11"
- Color: Neon or Blue