Hyakule deposit in Nepal. As a gemologist graduated from the Institut National de Gemmologie (ING), Paris, France. All our materials are appraised and certified by us.

Indestructible Nature of the Spirit Diamond Lightning Hand Carved by Masters Specialized in Crafting Esoteric Buddhist Worship Instruments Vajrayana Buddhism, Esoteric, Tibetan Tantric and Japanese Shingon

Dimension of the dorje: Length 13cm width of 5cm Weight of 189 grams (945 carats)

Some inclusions of chlorite attesting to the authenticity of this quartz.


Every Buddhist practitioner in Tibet and every celebrant of a ritual has three objects to which Tibetans attribute a deep and detailed symbolism. These are the vajra, the bell and the mala.

The Vajra, in Tibetan dorje. It is arguably the most important symbol of Tibetan Buddhism. The term means "diamond" and refers to the indestructible nature of mind itself, enlightenment, which is both imperishable and indivisible. The small scepter seems to be, originally, the diamond thunderbolt of the god Indra, it is a mark of royalty and power.

1° the five upper points represent the five wisdoms, five facets of the diamond which is the awakened spirit: mirror-like wisdom, which means that the spirit awakens, just like a perfectly polished mirror, clearly reflects all things, possesses the ability to know everything, without any confusion. the wisdom of equality, which recognizes that all the phenomena of samsara (my ordinary world) and nirvana (the pure fields or paradises of the Buddhas) are of an equal nature in the sense that they are of a single essence : emptiness the wisdom of distinction, which denotes that the enlightened mind perceives not only the emptiness of all phenomena (which the wisdom of equality does) but also, in unconfused simultaneity, all phenomena such as let them manifest; fulfilling wisdom, which enables Buddhas to create pure fields and emanations working for the benefit of sentient beings; the wisdom of universal space, which indicates that all phenomena, beyond all concept and all duality, dwell in the pure knowledge of the spirit.

2° Together with the five wisdoms, these five upper points symbolize the Five Victors or five principal Male Buddhas on a mystical level. The lower five points symbolize the Five Female Buddhas.

3° The mouths of makara (sea monster) whose points emerge denote the liberation of the cycle of existences.

4. The eight upper petals represent the eight male bodhisattvas, in other words eight great bodhisattvas dwelling in celestial domains.

5. The eight lower petals are the eight female bodhisattvas.

6° The round part in the middle designates emptiness.