An enigmatic policeman and his aristocratic German companion befriend two shopgirls in 1933 Houston- one a poverty stricken working mother, the other a Italian American high school student who has wrangled a job in the family store. Pining for an exciting interlude of adventure before an inevitable lifetime monotony of housewifery and motherhood, Viviana yearns for any means to launch herself fully into adulthood while Penny labors to keep starvation at bay for her children. Both see Officer Franz Dupree, moonlighting as onsite security, as instrumental to their goals while skeptical about Helmut, his mysterious pal who travels covertly between Europe and the US with impunity. Their interactions might have remained innocent in any other time but monumental historical events unravel the civilized world as the 1930s unfold, propelling them into a world of intrigue, betrayal, murder, tragedy and love.
6 by 9 paperback 12p font Times New Roman, 541 pages, new mint, signed by author on request. Bargain first printing will have minor grammatical errors which have since been correct at print on demand sight.