An all-new tale of epic scope and flair that combines the elements of story telling and action that make every adventure so fun!

When war threatens the Moonshae Isles, legendary heroes return to defeat the forces of an unthinkable foe. The Forgotten Realms are changed forever as young wizard Helene and her friends grow from raw recruits on the streets of Mintarn into powerful warriors.


"The creative team of B. Dave Walters and Tess Fowler craft a fantasy story that hews close to classic fantasy and yet is unique to D&D. Fowler's art in particular is a highlight, as this is probably the strongest work of her career A must-read for any fans of 'classic' fantasy, even if you've never picked up a die."

"Bookended by real emotional weight. Walters' script is tight and focuses on character development rather than world-building, which allows him to move the plot along at an intense pace. Fowler and Fotos are in full beast mode here, deliv