This is a factory original used part. The best way to assure this is the correct replacement for your appliance is to match the part number on the sticker of your original board, to the number listed in the title of this ad. (See picture)
All of our used appliance repair parts have been tested, and cleaned, and are guaranteed to work. Every part comes with a 60-day return policy.
Pleaseprovide themodel number of the applianceyou are repairing with your order. ("Message To Seller" link on checkout page) So we can confirm the proper fit before shipping. This will prevent the frustration of having the wrong part mistakenly sent out.
Refunds, returns, etc.
Please do not order a part just because it looks similar to what is currently in your machine. Appliance parts look the same, but they are not the same. Wiring, function, fit, etc. could be different, and thus make the part unusable. Each part has an individual part number that is model specific. It is important to be certain that the part you are ordering is the one you need. If in doubt, email us your model number and we can confirm the part number for you.
Pleasedo not open an case if you need to return an item. Opening a case could affect our seller rating, and make it more difficult for us to compete for your business . If you need to return an item, please go to the item that you purchased, click “Contact Seller” then click “I have a question about using my item” or “ I want to send the seller a message”. Then let us know how we can help you with the order. Also, see theReturns tab belowfor more information.
Our pledge is to do whatever it takes to make your experience with us 100% satisfactory.
Thank You!
Item Condition Scale
We accept payment by any of the following methods:
PayPal and all Credit Cards
Please pay as soon as possible after acceptance of "Best Offer". will automatically open a case for non-payment after 72 hours. Thanks!
Your order will be processed within 24 hours of receiving payment (except Sunday). You should expect to receive it one to three days after the item has been shipped.
We ship every item using USPS Priority Mail expedited shipping.
In the unlikely event that your item is lost or damaged during shipping, we will issue either a full refund or offer a replacement.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product and get a full refund or exchange the product for another one.
You can return a product for up to 60 days from the date you purchased it. All returns must be returned in usable, undamaged condition so please take care to repack items safely. All returns are"Free" to the buyer. (Unless otherwise stated in condition area at the top of the ad. I.E. control panels and consoles) Our no-hassle returns policy means that you can return an item for any reason. We pay the return shipping. Please send the item back in the same manner in which is was delivered. Print the label .
*Mis-ordered parts are subject to a $10 restocking fee.
Refunds are issued when the item arrives and after it is retested. All returned items must have the Apex Used Appliance Control Boards mark on them to be eligible for a refund.
One thing we ask of you is, to let us know why you need a refund. This helps us determine the reason for the return and process your refund faster. Please leave us some basic information in the box like...
Didn't fix my appliance. ( I still have the same problem as before.
Not the same as my Original part. (different fit, wiring, functions.)
Changed my mind.
Near Mint: This item appears to be NEW but is missing the original packaging etc...
Excellent:This item shows only minimal signs of use.
Very Good:This item may show some slight marks or scratches.
Good:This item shows general wear and will have light scratches and scuffs or possibly a small nick or ding.
Fair:This Item does show noticeable wear, it will have marks, scratches, cracks, small nicks or dings.
Poor:This item does have signs of heavy wear, it is functional, but needs to be cosmetically reconditioned.
* The pictures in this ad are stock images and may or may not be the item that is delivered. The item could vary slightly from the photos. The items cosmetic condition is in the "Condition" section at top of the ad (if applicable).
Mobile users, click the upper > to see the item condition details. Click the lower > to see the full product description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **This board fits the following model numbers** SF368LEPS0 SF368LEPS1 SF368LEPB0 SF368LEPB1 SF357PEKQ0 SF378LEPS0 SF377PEGB7 SF367LEMQ0 SF377PEGQ5 SF357PEKW0 SF368LEPQ0 SF368LEPQ1 SF368LEPT0 SF377PEGQ7 SF378LEPS1 SF368LEPQ2 SF357PEKQ1 SF357PEKT0 SF368LEPW0 SF379LEMS0 SF357PEKT1 SF378LEPS2 SF369LEKQ0 SF377PEGB6 SF378LEPB0 SF367LEMQ1 SF368LEPS2 SF367LEKQ3 SF367LEMT0 SF368LEPS3 SF369LEKT1 SF377PEGQ6 SF196LEPB2 SF367LEMB0 SF367LEMW1 SF368LEPB2 SF369LEMQ0 SF369LEPS1 SF196LEMT0 SF357PEKB1 SF357PEKW1 SF367LEMB1 SF367LEMT1 SF369LEMQ1 SF369LEPQ0 SF369LEPT0 SF380LEMQ1 SF380LEPQ0 SF380LEPS0 SF196LEPT0 SF367LEMW0 SF368LEPQ3 SF368LEPT1 SF368LEPT3 SF368LEPW2 SF369LEKQ1 SF377PEGT7 SF377PEGW5 SF377PEGW6 SF377PEGW7 SF377PEGZ5 SF377PEGZ7 SF378LEPT0 SF379LEMT0 SF380LEMT0 SF380LEMT1 SF380LEPB0 SF196LEMB0 SF196LEMB1 SF196LEMQ0 SF196LEMQ1 SF196LEMT1 SF196LEPB0 SF196LEPB1 SF196LEPB3 SF196LEPQ0 SF196LEPQ1 SF196LEPQ2 SF196LEPQ3 SF196LEPT1 SF196LEPT2 SF357PEKV0 SF357PEKV1 SF357PEMB0 SF357PEMQ0 SF357PEMT0 SF357PEMV0 SF357PEMW0 SF367LEKB3 SF367LEKT3 SF367LEKW3 SF368LEPT2 SF368LEPW1 SF368LEPW3 SF369LEKT0 SF369LEMT0 SF369LEMT1 SF369LEPB1 SF369LEPQ1 SF369LEPT1 Reuse Reduce Recycle ----------------------------------------------------------- ------ This is a factory original used part. The best way to assure this is the correct replacement for your appliance is to match the part number on the sticker of your original board, to the number listed in the title of this ad. (See picture) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ All of our used appliance repair parts have been tested, and cleaned, and are guaranteed to work. Every part comes with a 60-day return policy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Please provide the model number of the appliance you are repairing with your order. ("Message To Seller" link on checkout page) So we can confirm the proper fit before shipping. This will prevent the frustration of having the wrong part mistakenly sent out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refunds, returns, etc. ---------------------------------------------------- Please do not order a part just because it looks similar to what is currently in your machine. Appliance parts look the same, but they are not the same. Wiring, function, fit, etc. could be different, and thus make the part unusable. Each part has an individual part number that is model specific. It is important to be certain that the part you are ordering is the one you need. If in doubt, email us your model number and we can confirm the part number for you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not open an case if you need to return an item. Opening a case could affect our seller rating, and make it more difficult for us to compete for your business . If you need to return an item, please go to the item that you purchased, click “Contact Seller” then click “I have a question about using my item” or “ I want to send the seller a message”. Then let us know how we can help you with the order. Also, see the Returns tab below for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Our pledge is to do whatever it takes to make your experience with us 100% satisfactory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank You! ---------- S-376
Apex Used Appliance Control Boards
"The Highest Point In Quality - At the Lowest Point In Pricing."
A+ BBB Accredited Business
Our Control Boards Are Tested, Cleaned, And Guaranteed. All orders are processed and shipped the same day.
Priority Mail 2-3 Day Delivery On Every Order!
60 Day No-Hassle Returns!
Mobile users, click the upper > to see the item condition details. Click the lower > to see the full product description.
This is a factory original used part. The best way to assure this is the correct replacement for your appliance is to match the part number on the sticker of your original board, to the number listed in the title of this ad. (See picture)
All of our used appliance repair parts have been tested, and cleaned, and are guaranteed to work. Every part comes with a 60-day return policy.
Pleaseprovide themodel number of the applianceyou are repairing with your order. ("Message To Seller" link on checkout page) So we can confirm the proper fit before shipping. This will prevent the frustration of having the wrong part mistakenly sent out.
Refunds, returns, etc.
Please do not order a part just because it looks similar to what is currently in your machine. Appliance parts look the same, but they are not the same. Wiring, function, fit, etc. could be different, and thus make the part unusable. Each part has an individual part number that is model specific. It is important to be certain that the part you are ordering is the one you need. If in doubt, email us your model number and we can confirm the part number for you.
Pleasedo not open an case if you need to return an item. Opening a case could affect our seller rating, and make it more difficult for us to compete for your business . If you need to return an item, please go to the item that you purchased, click “Contact Seller” then click “I have a question about using my item” or “ I want to send the seller a message”. Then let us know how we can help you with the order. Also, see theReturns tab belowfor more information.
Our pledge is to do whatever it takes to make your experience with us 100% satisfactory.
Thank You!
Whirlpool Oven Control Board - Part # 6610288 | 8273821