Pumpkin seeds raw and peeled

Cucurbita rero L.

A rich and valuable addition to a complete breakfast, pumpkin seeds can be an integral part of your healthy diet.

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten on their own as a snack or added to meals for extra flavor and crunchy texture.

They are a valuable source of beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients that improve the health of the heart, bones and other organs. The fatty acids in pumpkin seeds contain beneficial nutrients such as sterols, squalene and tocopherols

10 Amazing Benefits of Eating Pumpkin Seeds

1. Pumpkin seeds are a source of the amino acid tryptophan.

A study published in 2005 in Nutritional Neuroscience found that consuming tryptophan from pumpkin seeds along with a carbohydrate source was comparable to pharmaceutical grade tryptophan for treating insomnia. Therefore, taking a few pumpkin seeds before bed with a piece of fruit, for example, can help you deal with insomnia.

2. Pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber. This combination has benefits for both the heart and the liver.

The fiber in pumpkin seeds helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and reduces the risk of heart disease.

3. The high magnesium content in pumpkin seeds can be beneficial for bone health prevention.

4. As a natural source of fiber, pumpkin seeds can be useful in controlling body weight, as their consumption creates a feeling of fullness for a longer time. Fiber also improves digestion.

5. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of squalene, an antioxidant compound that is similar to beta-carotene. This, in turn, creates a prerequisite for maintaining eye health.

6. The seeds have a mild laxative and diuretic effect.

7. Pumpkin seed is used against tapeworms and roundworms.

8. A wonderful prostate protector.

How to use Pumpkin seed raw

As food: take 1 tablespoon every day in or during breakfast, with salads, in bread, etc.

For parasites: 200 to 300 g of ground, peeled seeds are mixed with 2 full tablespoons of honey. The entire amount is eaten if possible. After 3 hours, a purgative is given and an enema is given.

For children, 50-100 g of the mixture is taken, followed by a laxative.


Pumpkin seeds peeled raw (Cucurbita rero L.).