Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) - 50 µg
STRONG NATURE VITAMIN D3 2000 IU is a specialty food based on vitamin D in extra virgin olive oil.
Vitamin D3 affects almost all vital processes in the body, which is why it is considered a hormone. It belongs to the group of liposolubile compounds, which means that its dissolution and resorption requires fats. In the kidneys, it is converted to its active form - calcitriol. The primary physiological role of vitamin D is to regulate the concentration of calcium and phosphate in the blood. It increases their absorption at the level of the digestive tract and reduces their loss at the level of the kidneys. It increases the incorporation of calcium into bone material and is considered essential for bone and tooth growth and calcification. Since calcium is responsible for the function of almost every cell in our body, the conclusion is that vitamin D is also necessary for all vital functions at the cell level. The most important natural source of Vitamin D is our skin, which is made from provitamins by UV rays. If the body lacks vitamin D, calcium ingested by the food cannot be absorbed, leading to the mobilization of calcium from the bones. As a consequence, rickets occur in children and in adults osteomalacia (bone softening) and osteoporosis (bone loss). Vitamin D contributes to: Preserving normal bones, teeth, muscles Normal function of the immune system Normal utilization of calcium and phosphorus The product is recommended for nutritional purposes:
To prevent vitamin D deficiency when there is a risk of malabsorption In cases of vitamin D deficiency in healthy subjects who have no resorption disorder In addition to osteomalacia and osteoporosis therapy In hypoparathyroidism Insufficient sun exposure Adults: 1 capsule daily